Quarantine Diary: Kyra Sedgwick is baking banana bread and wiping down groceries just like the rest of us

Going stir-crazy in quarantine? You’re not alone. Celebrities are cooped up in their homes across the country just like the rest of us. As we collectively navigate this uncharted territory, USA TODAY presents Quarantine Diaries, which give readers a peek into how our favorite stars are spending their time at home.

Today's diarist is Kyra Sedgwick, who stars opposite Shailene Woodley in the new romantic drama "Endings, Beginnings," available for purchase now and on demand May 1. Here’s what a day of Sedgwick's quarantine looks like in California, where she's quarantining with husband Kevin Bacon, their son Travis, and a loaned pup. – As told to Andrea Mandell

7:45 a.m. I’ve been having the craziest dreams, so I have to shake that off. The first few weeks I would wake up and be like, 'Everything is fine!' And then remember, 'Oh, my God, everything is not fine.' I no longer have to re-remember what’s happening. I’m sort of relieved because that was awful. I was glad to move past that into this very vivid weird dream state.

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8 a.m. My daughter has very generously given us her dog during this time. We have a dog but she’s in New York. Our dog sitter is with her; we're grateful she's taking care of her. So we have this tiny little 6-pound joy that sleeps with us.

Kevin is usually up at 6 o’clock in the morning. By 7:45 this dog is on a pillow and has not moved all night. I pick my head up and he’s ready to party. Kevin is in the space he occupies from 6 to 8: the head of the dining room table where he’s reading every article in The New York Times. How his nervous system can handle that, I don’t know. I get coffee and then Kevin and I go for a little walk with our masks and the dog.

9 a.m. I spend some time trying not to look at the news and we have little breakfast. I made a pound cake last week and I’ve having that toasted with almond butter or peanut butter. We’ve also been eating pancakes for breakfast. I need the comfort food ASAP. And then I spend a good 45 minutes cleaning the kitchen and wiping everything down.

Kyra Sedgwick flashes a peace sign from her Los Angeles home.
Kyra Sedgwick flashes a peace sign from her Los Angeles home.

On the sudden urge to bake: I was always like, I can’t bake at all. And now I’m like, actually I can bake if I follow the rules. What have I made? Banana bread. We made a birthday cake for my daughter early on. We didn’t have the right kind of flour, we had buckwheat flour, or the right kind of sugar. And we didn’t really have icing, but we had chocolate chips. We improv’d. (Laughs) We were all very proud of ourselves.

10 a.m. I’ve had a Peloton for a couple years now. I’m grateful for it. And I can get on my yoga mat and do a Pilates class. I have a magic ring and a few other things. I need exercise for my brain, I always have.

Itching to exercise during your quarantine?These 7 at-home workouts are free - for now

12 p.m. Then I shower and have lunch. Lunch is vegetables if we have it; I am very much a fan of leafy green vegetables. Kevin was actually able to get broccoli rabe the other day, which I haven’t had in so long. I was very excited about that. Yesterday‘s lunch was a really big piece of toast drowned in olive oil with prosciutto and then like, a fried egg and greens.

2 p.m. Yesterday was grocery day, so Kev got groceries and we lay everything down on a table outside and we spray everything down. As I’m doing this, I’m thinking, 'this feels so dumb.' But I know I’m following directions, I’m not questioning the rules. I’m a direction follower.

4 p.m. Kevin’s sister had an 80th birthday yesterday, so we did a Zoom call with her and his five siblings. At which point I got very emotional because I have yet to do a Zoom call with my siblings. So in the middle of her birthday party I started to cry and steal focus. (chuckles), like the grown-up I pretend to be.

Lately I’ve been in touch with old friends I haven’t talked to for decades, like my best friends in sixth grade. It’s been kind of amazing to remember – who was I then? And who was I before I became consumed with my work and my motherhood?

On her and Kevin Bacon’s John Prine tribute: We taped that weeks ago for fun. A month before we went into lockdown that song came on, and I was like, that song is so funny and silly we should definitely learn it! And we did. It was before he even got sick that we taped it. And then he got sick and we waited and then (eventually put it out). It's a funny, silly song but he’s such an incredible storyteller, way before his time, always.

5 p.m. I’ve been writing something that I’ve tried to work on here and there. I’m totally not a writer. I was always so confused by why writers seemed to hate to write; now I completely get it. I’ll write a little bit of a scene, and then make a call. And then decide I really need to check Instagram and find out what Jessica Yellin is saying about what’s happening in the world right now.

7 p.m. I made black bean soup, I’ve been making it once a week. ... We had that for dinner and more vegetables. And then I ate lots of ice cream.

10:45 p.m. We watched another episode of “My Brilliant Friend” – we've also started the new season of “Killing Eve” – and then I read and mercifully fell asleep. We’ve also been watching Andrew Cuomo, because he’s so sane and regulated. It really makes me feel good, because I was born and raised in Manhattan and there’s part of me that feels badly that I’m not there right now.

I think it’s really important not to spend a lot of time online and on the news. Especially not at night. It’s so hard to process all my feelings right now, because I have no distance from them. I am in full-on survival mode. The reality of what’s happening is unprecedented. I don’t know how I’m processing it, except to say I’m getting through it a day at a time.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Coronavirus: Kyra Sedgwick details her quarantine with Kevin Bacon