Rare Photos of the Summer White Houses of U.S. Presidents
JFK's childhood was filled with great memories at his parents' Cape Cod home, first bought in 1928. Eventually JFK, his brother Ted, and his sister Eunice all purchased the surrounding properties, forming the Kennedy Compound.
The second-ever President of the United States, John Adams, escaped to his Quincy, Massachusetts home for rest. The estate was known as Peace Field and was first built in 1731.
When his son, John Quincy Adams, became the sixth president in 1825, he also used Peace Field as a sanctuary during summers. Pictured is an interior shot of the historic home, which is now preserved by the Adams National Historical Park.
President Lincoln didn't travel far from the White House during his summers in office. He stayed in this cottage on the grounds of the Soldiers' Home, which is now known as the Armed Forces Retirement Home.
The very last time Lincoln sat in the living room (pictured) was April 13, 1865—the day before his assassination. After eight years of work, the cottage was fully restored and opened to the public in 2008.
Franklin D. Roosevelt grew up at the Springwood estate in Hyde Park, New York. The restored home still features elements of the President's childhood, including his collection of stuffed birds. The estate meant so much to him that he requested to be buried in the Rose Garden of the property with his wife, Eleanor.
Here, Roosevelt and his family pose inside the home's study. While awaiting election results (he was the only president to be elected four times), FDR would often wait on the terrace and wave to friends and neighbors wishing him well from the driveway.
The Truman Home in Missouri was first built in 1867 by Bess Truman's grandfather, who added a second story in 1885. It was one of the biggest luxury homes in the area at the time. Here, the former President departs the house with his daughter, Margaret, on the way to her wedding.
Inside, the home was quaint. Truman is seen here making toast for him and his wife in the kitchen, which was decorated with tiled floors and white countertops.
President Truman used the home as a getaway while in office. When his time in the White House was over, he moved back to Missouri and renovated the entire property with his wife.
The compound was a favorite gathering spot for the Kennedys each summer. A highlight was Ted Kennedy's annual clambake, which included plenty of food, football, and quality family time.
Being seaside helped clear JFK's mind and let him think through his presidential duties. It's why he often held meetings there when the weather was warm. "I always come back to the Cape and walk on the beach when I have a tough decision to make," he once said, "The Cape is the one place I can think and be alone."
The LBJ Ranch meant so much to the politician. It's where he was born, where he spent his free time during his presidency, and where he lived after leaving the White House.
He would often hold outdoor meetings at the ranch, as seen here with Secretary of State Dean Rusk. "All the world is welcome here," the former President once said about the estate.
Even while away from the White House, LBJ made time to tend to presidential duties in his office at the ranch. Then, he'd go off to work on his barn or care for his animals.
The former President pets his beloved dog, Yuki, in his ranch's living room during his last interview, which he gave just days before his passing in 1973.
President Ford opted for snow over sand, often escaping to Colorado. He'd sometimes purchase his own tickets at the walk-up window, and laughed off getting photographed falling while on the slopes. "Every skier takes a fall once in a while," he said at the time.
In the heat of the summer, Ford would hit the tennis court or the golf course. Here, he's pictured with pro player Bill Wright. "It's a nice environment, winter or summer," Ford said of Colorado in 2004.
After he won the election, Ford's condo became too small for his family and security team. That's when they moved into the nearby chalet of family friend and businessman, Dick Bass.
Ford got to know the people of Vail well, even listing his real number in the phone book for many years. After he left the White House, he and wife Betty became regulars at the annual town potluck picnic, never forgetting to bring potato salad.
Jimmy Carter often traveled back to his hometown of Plains, Georgia for summers and holidays. In such a small town (today, the population is only around 700 people!), everything was nearby and life was simpler.
Here, President Carter's daughter, Amy, plays outside her family's home on Christmas in 1977.
Rancho del Cielo was purchased by Ronald and Nancy Reagan in 1974. Throughout his presidency, they made a total of 50 trips to the property.
It was common to see the President working outside when at the ranch. Here, he gives a radio address about the Solidarity Trade Union.
He might have called the White House home, but Reagan didn't mind living less luxuriously on vacation. The ranch had no central heating, and was run by an incredibly small staff.
The estate often had famous visitors, including Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, seen here on a trip to the U.S. in 1983.
George H. W. Bush's great-grandfather purchased this expansive property in the 1870s. Ever since, Walker's Point has been passed down to the following generations.
While in office, President Bush sometimes held press conferences outside the home in the summer months. Here, he and British Prime Minister John Major speak about the Gulf War.
Each August, Bush would look forward to family reunions at the property. The top floor was turned into a children's dormitory for his grandchildren. As former First Lady Barbara Bush described: "[The decor] is hodgepodge — three houses of furniture put in one, no antiques, 15-year-old slipcovers—a house grandchildren are more than welcome in.”
President Clinton made the most of his summers in Martha's Vineyard. Visitors could often spot him and his wife, Hillary, staying active by biking or playing golf. During his presidency, they stayed at the residences of both former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara and Boston real estate developer Richard Friedman.
Back when first families could walk around with the Secret Service, but not all the extra security that's needed today, vacationers would often spot the Clintons doing normal things, like hiking or walking by the water.
In 1993, President Clinton headed to the island for a 10-day vacation. It marked the longest stay outside of the White House of any sitting president in history at that time.
The Bushes bought their 1,583-acre property in 1999. One year before they moved into the White House, they built a house, guest house, and garage on the land.
Years later, the Bush's daughters helped redecorate the home with designer Kenneth Blasingame, who also designed their rooms in the White House. "We wanted our older parents to feel comfortable here… We also want to grow old here ourselves," Laura Bush told USA Today at the time.
President Bush once said that it's "so important for a president to spend some time away from Washington, in the heartland of America." That's why he often invited important national and global figures over for meetings. Here, he sits in his dining room with Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Colin Powell.
President Obama and his family stayed at the Blue Heron Farm in Chilmark Pond during the summers. The upgraded estate came with a heated infinity pool, marble bathrooms, floor-to-ceiling windows, and a private dock.
With two young daughters at the time, having kid-friendly things to do was important for the Obamas. That's why they were often spotted at local bakeries and shops around the area.
Former First Lady Michelle Obama wanted to inspire people to stay active with her "Let's Move!" campaign, and she practiced what she preached—even on vacation. Here, she takes a bike ride with the President and their daughter, Malia.
President Trump often hosted leaders from around the world at his Mar-a-Lago Club. He's pictured standing with his wife Melania, Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and wife Akie Abe.
Here, he plays golf with US Coast Guard Chief Warrant Officer Gene Gibson at the Trump International Golf Course.
A few years before being elected, President Joe Biden purchased a $2.7 million home in Delaware. "Throughout our careers, Jill and I have dreamed of being able to buy a place at the beach at home where we can bring the whole family. We feel very lucky that we're now able to make that happen," he said in a statement at the time.
The Biden family feels right at home in Delaware, as he represented the state in Congress for 36 years. They're often seen biking through the streets and trails of the coastal town.
Even the President's pets get in on the fun. Here, their German Shepherd, Commander, explores his new vacation spot.
John F. Kennedy: Hyannis Port, Massachusetts (1961 to 1963)
JFK's childhood was filled with great memories at his parents' Cape Cod home, first bought in 1928. Eventually JFK, his brother Ted, and his sister Eunice all purchased the surrounding properties, forming the Kennedy Compound.
Hyde Park, Hyannis Port, and Martha's Vineyard are just a few of the places that have served as retreats for our heads of state.
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