I Rewatched The Disney Movie "Jump In!" As An Adult — Here Are All My Feelings
Hey, remember the 2007 Disney movie Jump In! starring Corbin Bleu and Keke Palmer?
If you're not sure, let me set the scene. It's about a teenage boy who is training to be a boxer, but instead uncovers his love of double dutch.
I loooved this movie (and that cutie Corbin Bleu), so I decided to rewatch it for the first time in 15 years! Follow along with me as I give you a play-by-play of the movie's key moments, and all my thoughts and feelings:
Let's do this thing.
OH MY GOD, here we go!
I can't contain my joy!
Izzy Daniels, played by Corbin Bleu, is an up-and-coming boxing champ in Brooklyn. Lovin' this parkour montage at the beginning.
You could not pay me enough to roll on NYC pavement like that.
Oooop, he just interrupted Mary Thomas, played by Keke Palmer, and her friends while they practice double dutch for their upcoming regional competition. They want to make it to city finals!!
Am I sensing some chemistry??? Absolutely.
Yeaaah, it looks like someone might have a little crush on our boy Izzy.
I don't blame her one bit. Who DIDN'T have a crush on Corbin Bleu?!
Now we've met Izzy's dad and little sister Karin. His dad was a talented boxer back in the day and has high hopes for Izzy's boxing career. We also learned that Izzy's mom is no longer around.
TBH, I did not remember the boxing element to this at all. But based on these first few minutes, I'm gonna assume Izzy is pursuing boxing to make his dad happy, but soon he's going to uncover and chase his love of jumprope.
OMG, Izzy's one match away from going to the Golden Gloves event, which sounds quite prestigious. And yes, his dad does seem to own the gym Izzy trains at.
But Izzy's going up against "Big Rodney," so that sounds scary. If he wins, he'll be the third generation of Daniels men to win the Golden Gloves. No pressure.
Enter: Tammy. She's about to show these boys what the heck is up!
I really don't remember what happens with Tammy, but I have a sneaking suspicion she's gonna be very important later. She's tearing down some gender stereotypes — that's for sure!
Sparks are FLYING.
Also, of course they live RIGHT by each other.
Welp, Izzy just got roped (haha, get it?) into taking his little sister to the double dutch competition.
But Mary will be there, so is he really that mad about it?
OMG, it's Big Rodney, the neighborhood bully, who also happens to be Izzy's competition at the upcoming exhibition match.
That was tense.
Aww, Mary's pretty nervous for the competition. But she's both shocked and surprised to see Izzy there.
Nice one, Mary.
Oh no, it's the rival team, the Dutch Dragons!!! Here comes some double dutch drama.
Game ON!
The competition is fierce, and it has Izzy feeling some type of way.
Izzy is ?inspired.?
Mary and her team got fourth place, but they still qualify for city finals! Of course the mean girls won the trophy. Ugh.
Their routine wasn't even that good.
Yikes, there's some tension on the team.
Is the team breaking up? Is there about to be an opening for Izzy?
Oh man, looks like Rodney might act up because his home life has some issues. Poor guy.
He dropped the bag in the trash when he saw Izzy watching. My heart hurts.
It's time for the exhibition match!
OMG WAIT, is Izzy going to throw the match because he knows Rodney's going through a tough time?
Izzy won!! But Rodney looks really sad, so I feel bad.
Rodney's watching Izzy celebrate with his dad...this poor guy.
Izzy took the clothes that Rodney threw out and left them on his doorstep. He's a good egg.
That was a really kind gesture.
Looks like Mary's double dutch team is one person short.
Rodney wants to square up AGAIN!
I really don't remember what happens with this!! OMG.
They need a fourth jumper for their team!!! Come on, Izzy.
Yeah Izzy, do it!
Izzy's got moves!
What CAN'T Corbin Bleu do?
The girls want Izzy to join their team, and he's being a baby about it.
Get out of here with your fragile masculinity.
Sneaky!! They're asking Izzy to fill in for their team. Mary just needs some convincing.
She and Izzy are soooo hot and cold.
OK, she's convinced.
That was easy.
Montage!! Izzy's getting pretty good.
Only a matter of time before this starts to hurt his performance while boxing...
AH! Tammy has spotted the squad practicing double dutch in the gym!
Cat's outta the bag.
Izzy is exhausted and just lost a match to Tammy. She was NOT chill about it.
Sick burn.
You tell him, Tammy!
Nobody's got time for dumb, sexist jokes!
Oh snapppp. Izzy just told Mary her routine is boring and they need to try something new!
OK, she took that better than I was expecting.
Time to get some inspiration from kids in the neighborhood.
If I could've done even a fraction of those moves as a kid (uh, or even now), I would've been unstoppable.
Rodney decided to get all aggressive out of nowhere, but Mary saved the day by dumping some conveniently placed ice water over his head.
Why did Izzy need to do backflips while running away from him? That was so excessive.
Sparks are flying, sparks are flying...then BOOM, the kiss!
Aww, so awkward.
Moment's over! Time for a tough chat with Dad.
The pressure's on.
Yikes, Rodney just spotted Izzy and the girls practicing double dutch in the gym.
Notttt good.
OMG, Rodney reappeared with his buddy and this prehistoric camera to catch Izzy in the act.
That camera makes me feel like a dinosaur.
Izzy's officially a part of the team! But he still doesn't want "his boys" to know.
Cocky much?
Dang, Izzy just became part of the team, and he's already changing the name. And now they're entering the double dutch showcase. It's in THREE DAYS!!
Izzy left this double dutch flyer out in his room. Rookie mistake! Someone's gonna find it.
If you want to keep your secret, Izzy, you need to be stealthier than that.
Uh-oh! Izzy was intercepted by his dad on his way to the competition, and now he's gotta go watch a boxing match.
None of this would be happening if you just told people the truth, Izzy. Also, Izzy doesn't even have a cellphone to text Mary to let her know!
The panic is setting in.
Spoiler: No, he's not.
The show must go on.
Break legs, ladies (NOT LITERALLY)!
Ohhh snap. Mary just kicked Izzy off the team. I mean, that's what he gets, TBH.
The Hot Chili Steppers can't go to city finals without a fourth teammate. Will they ask Izzy to come back???
I'm gonna assume the answer is yes.
In the ye old times before social media, people just printed embarrassing flyers and posted them around school when they wanted to pick on someone (according to movies).
Because apparently the whole school thinks being a multitalented athlete is...embarrassing? Nah.
I smell misogyny and toxic masculinity!
This is so extra.
Cue the sad montage!!!
No way people care THIS MUCH, right???
OK, so Izzy's dad won this chain of golden gloves the night he won the Golden Glove tournament, and he went to leave this as a gift on Izzy's bed, but he snooped and found the crumpled up flyers calling Izzy a loser for jumping rope!!!
He had to go snooping.
Please GOD don't let his dad be mad at him for JUMPING ROPE. There are far worse things for teenagers to be doing in secret. Chillll.
This is so tense, and for what??
So, we've reached Izzy's boiling point.
He's worked UP. How will his dad react?
He's gonna go get milk.
He just needs a second.
Anddd, Izzy found the gift his dad left on his bed. Cue the guilt.
Tugging on those heartstrings.
Now Mary's here to try to talk some sense into Izzy.
It didn't work.
Tammy's swooping in with some wise words!!
You tell him, Tammy!
Essentially everyone thinks Izzy's being a baby. Go do your double dutch, dude!
Sooo, Rodney basically showed up with the entire school to harass Izzy and challenge him to a rematch.
Rodney needs to chilllll.
After showing off his gymnastic abilities in the ring, Izzy told Rodney that fighting wasn't worth it.
I can't believe the whole school showed up for this.
There goes Izzy being the bigger person.
I guess everyone loves him again.
And Rodney's impressed.
How moving.
Dang, the city finals look legit. The news is there and everything.
Double dutch is the talk of the town, apparently.
Izzy has entered the building!!!
He wouldn't let his team down.
Their rivals!!!
OMG, Rodney's here!!
He's about to have his mind blown.
The Hot Chili Steppers are in the lead so far!!!
Take that, Dutch Dragons.
OK, the Dutch Dragons came in first for the speed round, but the Hot Chili Steppers were second place!
Ugh, this is neck and neck.
Freestyle round! Izzy's nerves are setting in.
Sooo, are Izzy's dad and sister gonna show up?
The Hot Chili Steppers are right after their rivals, the Dutch Dragons.
That's some fancy footwork.
Look at that standing ovation! Apparently people are really into this.
Those are some dedicated fans.
The Daniels family is in the HOUSE!
I knew they'd make it.
Why are they also doing a full dance routine without their ropes?
Love how this scene is set to a song sung by Corbin Bleu. So meta.
Everyone is thoroughly impressed.
I feel like their routine is wayyy longer than everyone else's.
Aww, it's time for a father-son heart-to-heart.
I was a sensitive kid (still am). This probably made me cry back in the day.
YES! Rodney and Izzy are finally cool.
Mature kings.
They made it to state finals! But they didn't win...until the next year.
Look at that suit!
Also, Rodney's been the narrator all along! He's been telling the story to a group of kids. Aww.
We love that character development.
But for now, YAY WINNERS!
I'm a sucker for a happy ending!
Hey, even Mr. Daniels has moves!
How cute!!!
THE END!!!!!
If you've made it this far, thank you for indulging me! Head over to Disney+ to watch for yourself!