Sarah Silverman responds to preacher's anti-Semitic tirade: 'He is going to get me killed'

Sarah Silverman responds to preacher's anti-Semitic tirade: 'He is going to get me killed'

A Baptist preacher's anti-Semitic tirade against Sarah Silverman has the comedian fearing for her safety.

Silverman, who is Jewish, issued a statement on Twitter in response to a pastor's flagrantly anti-Semitic rant, in which he called for prayers on Silverman's death.

The preacher, identified as Adam Fannin of the Stedfast Baptist Church in Florida, "is going to get me killed," she wrote Thursday.

Silverman also shared a clip of Fannin's tirade in which he calls her a "witch" and "a God-hating whore of Zionism" and prays for her violent demise.

USA TODAY could not locate contact information for Fannin.

According to Silverman, Fannin's speech was inspired by a troll who took one of her jokes out of context.

"Someone on the Right made a meme of a joke from Jesus is Magic, a comedy special I did in character and presented it as if I was saying it at a press conference," she wrote. "It’s a picture of me with the quote ‘I’m glad the Jews killed Jesus. I’d do it again!’ And THAT is what triggered the pastor.

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"So, the person who made the meme knew it was comedy and intentionally repurposed it as real, knowing it would influence a swath of people who would see it and share it everyday," she continued. "And that’s America today. Incitements of violence based on lies and the disingenuous re-framings of truth.”

In a video posted to Stedfast Baptist Church's Youtube channel Friday, Pastor Jonathan Shelley said Fannin was fired from the church for being a "liar."

Then Shelley unleashed his own criticisms of Silverman, calling her "wicked," "a fool," "blasphemous" and "a big feminist...advocating for abortion." Denouncing her as a sinner, Shelley also said he hopes for her death.

USA TODAY has reached out to Stedfast Baptist Church as well as Law of Liberty Baptist Church, Fannin's apparent current church, for comment. Both are located in Jacksonville, Florida.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Sarah Silverman on anti-Semitic rant: 'He is going to get me killed'