Sean Penn's two-hour standoff with his daughter Dylan on the set of their new film

Actress and model Dylan Penn, the daughter of Sean Penn and Robin Wright, joined her father on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Thursday. And she described what it was like working together on the new film, Flag Day, which Sean directed and also stars alongside Dylan. And apparently she had no reservations about getting into some on-set battles with the boss.

“We had one major, I think it was a two-hour standoff about a note that he had,” Dylan recalled. “About whether I could wear, or not wear, mascara.”

And then Colbert asked if they took the matter into a private setting or laid it all out in front of the crew. And Dylan said it was all very public.

“Once it was clear that she was making the wrong decision, I just went and sat down,” Sean added. “And then the silence was one the crew had to live with for two hours while the Penns figured it out.”

Video Transcript

STEPHEN COLBERT: Did you guys get into loggerheads with each other over notes? Did he ever give you something you're like, I don't think so.

DYLAN PENN: We had one major, I think it was a two-hour standoff about a note he had.

KYLIE MAR: On The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Thursday, actress and model, Dylan Penn, the daughter of Sean Penn and Robin Wright, described what it was like working with her father on the new film, Flag Day. Sean directed it and also stars alongside Dylan, who apparently wasn't afraid to get into a two-hour stand off on set with the boss.

STEPHEN COLBERT: Two hours of one note?

DYLAN PENN: About whether I could wear mascara or not wear mascara. He won.

STEPHEN COLBERT: That is a fight that a father usually has with a daughter when she's 12.

KYLIE MAR: Dylan's brother and Sean's son, Hopper Penn also appears in the film, but no word on if he was around for the big standoff. What we do know is that this showbiz family definitely knows how to put on a show, even if the audience is just a bunch of crew members.

STEPHEN COLBERT: Did you guys go someplace private to have this fight? Or was it just a knockdown drag out in front of the crew?

DYLAN PENN: No, it was very public.

SEAN PENN: Once it was clear that she was making the wrong decision, I just went and sat down.

KYLIE MAR: Dylan said that her dad ultimately won the battle. But as an aspiring director herself, she would definitely like to turn the tables and direct her dad in the future. Then she can have her turn to go sit down in silence.

SEAN PENN: And then the silence was when the crew had to live with for two hours while the Penns figured it out.

STEPHEN COLBERT: Wow. Did you roll on that? Because I would watch that movie.