Singer. Songwriter. Superhero. Babyface donates musical instruments to Indianapolis school

Kenny “Babyface” Edmonds has a knack for making audiences feel super with his performances.

The Indianapolis native wants to pass that on to another generation of musicians here.

November 5, 2023: Babyface performs the national anthem before the game between the Las Vegas Raiders and the New York Giants at Allegiant Stadium on Paradise, Nev.
November 5, 2023: Babyface performs the national anthem before the game between the Las Vegas Raiders and the New York Giants at Allegiant Stadium on Paradise, Nev.

The singer-songwriter-producer posted to his Instagram account his Thursday visit to Carl Wilde School on the west side.

He came bearing gifts.

The holder of 13 Grammys is shown unveiling a donation of musical instruments and speaking to students at the public school.

He tells the audience, "When you’re doing music, it’s like you become a superhero. It’s like nothing else matters."

The students and staff choir performed for Edmonds, who is in Indianapolis for NBA All-Star Weekend. He will perform "The Star-Spangled Banner" at the All-Star game on Feb. 18.

Kenneth 'Babyface' Edmonds: NBA All-Star performer Babyface has his own stretch of highway.

Contact IndyStar reporter Cheryl V. Jackson at [email protected] or 317-444-6264. Follow her on @cherylvjackson.

This article originally appeared on Indianapolis Star: Singer. Songwriter. Superhero. Babyface donates instruments to school