Will Smith smacks reporter at 'Men in Black III' premiere
In today's slamdunk viral video news, TMZ just posted a clip of Hollywood nice guy Will Smith physically lashing out at a frisky Ukrainian reporter at the start of the red carpet of Men in Black III's Moscow premiere today.
The reporter, from Ukranian TV channel 1+1, asks Smith for a hug, and the actor gladly obliges — only to find himself on the receiving end of an open-mouth kiss. Startled, Smith pushes the guy off, gives him a little slap in the face, then continues down the red carpet, joking with other, less aggressive reporters and signing autographs for fans. (Smith's camp had no comment on the altercation.)
Watch TMZ's footage of the run-in — and learn the incident's relation to the world's biggest pop star — below.
The reporter in question is Vitalii Sediuk, the same prankster who gave Madonna her beloathed hydrangeas at last September's Venice Film Festival. You can see his video letter to Her Madgesty here.
How long before this guy gets a cable series here in the States?
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