Stephen Colbert Breaks Down Iceland's Historic Win at Euro Championships

On the Late Show Tuesday night, Stephen Colbert began with a positive shout-out to Iceland’s national soccer team, which pulled off a historic upset victory over England on Monday, with a score of 2-1. He started by pointing out the energetic Icelandic soccer commentator, who has gained worldwide attention for his extremely enthusiastic — borderline bloodcurdling — victory calls. “Now I want to assure my worried viewers that the announcer’s hand is not caught in a garbage disposal,” Colbert deadpanned.

Now, England’s loss to the small Atlantic island nation has led to a slew of Brexit jokes, but there were certain parallels that made sense. For example, England’s soccer manager, Roy Hodgson, stepped down immediately after the loss, just as British Prime Minister David Cameron resigned following the Brexit vote. And with a population of 53 million vs. Iceland’s 323,000, England really had no business losing this game. Congrats, Iceland, you face a tough opponent in UEFA Euro host nation France, but we won’t soon forget the sweet, sweet sounds of your Viking chant.

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