‘Summer House’ Reunion Sneak Peek: Kyle and Amanda Accuse Lindsay of ‘Producing’ Cheating Story Line

Kyle Cooke and Amanda Batula are at odds with Lindsay Hubbard in Us Weekly’s exclusive sneak peek of part 1 of the Summer House reunion, with the couple accusing their costar of “producing” a past story line about him being unfaithful.

In the clip, Lindsay begins to question how her castmates would’ve handled finding out hypothetical rumors about Carl Radke cheating on her, but Amanda isn’t hearing it.

“I would never bring it up to you on camera,” Amanda tells Lindsay. “I would pull you aside privately and give you a heads-up and let you know and we could figure out how you’d want go about it — filming it. Because that’s something horrible to go through and that is so f—kid up to go through it for the first time in front of the whole entire f—king world. It was awful.”

After Lindsay says sorry for “bringing it up on camera,” she notes that she’s apologized “multiple times” in the past about the season 3 drama.

“Your apologies are pretty shallow,” Kyle replies, adding that he would forgive Lindsay if she would “just admit that she talked to the producers” and “waited [for] the perfect moment” to bring it up on the series.

Summer House Reunion Sneak Peek Kyle Cooke and Amanda Batula Accuse Lindsay Hubbard of Producing Cheating Story Line
Clifton Prescod/Bravo (3)

He continues: “It was a very purposeful backstab. And then you spun it as being a good friend and that’s pretty shallow.”

“And everyone bought it,” Amanda adds. “I just think it was the beginning of a series of trends that I think a lot of people have felt.”

Kyle subsequently declares that Lindsay is “great at producing herself” on the show. When Carl argues that Kyle was “pretty good at producing himself” too, he gets defensive.

“What have I produced, Carl?” he asks. “What have I talked to producers [about] well in advance and been like, ‘Here’s what I’m going to do this summer.’”

Summer House Reunion Sneak Peek Kyle Cooke and Amanda Batula Accuse Lindsay Hubbard of Producing Cheating Story Line Cast
Clifton Prescod/Bravo

When Carl points to Loverboy-related plot lines, Kyle fires back: “She sabotaged my relationship! It’s a little than launching a Loverboy product.”

“Kyle, you f—king cheated on her!” the Pittsburgh native responds.

Bravo fans may recall Kyle confessing on season 3 of the reality show that he woke up with a “girl in [his] bed” after blacking out on a guys’ trip. The couple were able to move past the scandal and tied the knot in September 2021.

Part 1 of the Summer House reunion airs on Bravo Monday, May 29, at 9 p.m. ET.