Survivor 42 contestants reveal their most embarrassing moments

It's a thing we ask Survivor players before they go to play the game: What is your most embarrassing moment, ever? There are a few reasons why we ask it. For one thing, they're about to put their entire lives — warts and all — out on national television, so they can consider this a bit of a warm-up. Also, selfishly, it's fun to hear people's embarrassing stories. Sorry, it just is.
The cast of Survivor 42 (which premieres March 9 on CBS) did not disappoint in their answers. There's the person whose sneeze was mistaken for "the biggest fart ever." There's the player who unknowingly trotted across a Zoom screen in his undies. And there are not one, but two contestants who managed to pee on themselves.
Good stuff all around, but nothing quite prepared us for the tale unleashed by Omar Zaheer, who just automatically became our favorite Survivor player ever. Allow the Canadian veterinarian to share the story himself.
Robert Voets/CBS Omar Zaheer on 'Survivor 42'
"The most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me was when I was in vet school," explains Omar. "We had our lab to rectally palpate cows by sticking our arms up their butt to feel for pregnancy." Oh, okay, yeah, that does not sound fun. I'm also 99.99999 percent positive that is the first time a Survivor contestant has used the phrase "rectally palpate." Anyway, let's allow Omar to continue…
"I was so nervous because I was like 'Oh my God, this cow could break my arm if it sits down while my hand is in there.' And I was just like, '1, 2, 3… GO!'" You probably think that is the end of the story, and under normal circumstances, it would be. But it's not. Because this is a not a normal circumstance. Again, Omar, please, if you will…
"I couldn't go in! And I was like 'What's going on?' And the technician beside me was like 'Keep going, otherwise she'll learn that if you stop that she can get away with it.'" It was then that a terrible realization came over Omar. Not that he was stuck. But rather that something else entirely had happened. "And then I was like, 'Oh my god, I'm in the wrong hole!' In front of my whole class."
Ummmmm………… Yes, that happened. We'll give you a moment to collect yourself.
And keep in mind that tale of bovine woe is merely one of the 18 embarrassing stories that await you in the video at the top of this post, along with another one that actually happened during someone's Survivor audition. Watch and enjoy!
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