‘Survivor 46’ episode 11 recap: Who was voted out in ‘My Messy, Sweet Little Friend’? [LIVE BLOG]
Heading into the 11th episode of “Survivor 46,” the remaining castaways had just voted out Tiffany Nicole Ervin with a hidden immunity idol in her pocket. That left seven people still in the game: three from the original Siga tribe (Ben Katzman, Charlie Davis and Maria Shrime Gonzalez), two from the original Nami tribe (Liz Wilcox and Venus Vafa), and two from the original Yanu tribe (Kenzie Petty and Q Burdette). So which castaway had their torch snuffed by host Jeff Probst this week?
Below, read our minute-by-minute “Survivor 46” Episode 11 recap/live blog of “My Messy, Sweet Little Friend” to find out what happened on Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT. Then be sure to sound off in the comments section about your favorite castaways on CBS’s reality TV show, who annoys you the most and who you think will ultimately join the “Survivor” winners list and take home the $1 million grand prize.
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8:00 p.m. – “Previously on ‘Survivor’!” In the 10th episode, Q won the Applebee’s reward and angered a hungry Liz when he instead took Kenzie, Maria and Tiffany with him to the sanctuary. Later at the immunity challenge, Charlie narrowly beat out Tiffany by having the stronger grip. Despite previously claiming she wanted to eliminate Tiffany, Kenzie was now on board with joining the growing anti-Q group. But at tribal council, Kenzie and Venus turned out to be the only people to write down Q’s name, while the other five (led by Maria) ousted Tiffany with an idol in her pocket.
8:02 p.m. – Back at camp as the final seven, Kenzie spoke up that she would have voted with everyone else to blindside Tiffany and then privately got emotional that she won’t get credit for the move even though it was something she had planned to do. Charlie was the first to come to speak to her to explain that it was Maria’s move and they were worried that she might spill the beans. Charlie’s intent was to make sure he and Kenzie were good so that she wouldn’t come for him next.
8:05 p.m. – While the others were away from camp, Maria suggested to Q, Ben and Liz that the four of them could be a final five with Charlie and go after Kenzie and Venus next. Maria was especially elated that she was able to pull off the Tiffany blindside as her idea, calling it “the sweetest feast.” Elsewhere, Venus connected with Kenzie about the “blessing in disguise” that the move will put Maria on the target list going forward and they can take advantage of that. Venus said that “the Siga three needs to be broken up.”
8:08 p.m. – The next morning, everyone was concerned with the idea that Tiffany’s idol would be put back in play and that each of them should go looking for it. Venus felt like she had an advantage in the search because she knew where both Randen and Tiffany found their idols, giving her a clue as to where to look. Sure enough, she found the idol and decided to keep looking in order to make it seem like she hadn’t found it. According to her idol note, the last time she can use the idol is when there are five players left.
8:17 p.m. – Later in the day, Venus and Kenzie connected once again about their shared interest in floating the target on to Maria and sticking together against the others. Kenzie realized that Venus is the only person who hasn’t lied to her in the game and called her a “messy, sweet little friend.” Kenzie was amused that Venus was barely looking for the idol, but didn’t seriously suspect that she had found it already. On her own, Venus saw “no benefit” in telling anyone that she has the idol, including Kenzie.
8:20 p.m. – When Maria and Charlie got together on their own, Charlie congratulated Maria on her big move to get Tiffany out. Charlie realized that she wanted that move to pitch to the jury, but he also realized the “double-edged sword” that she’s made herself a “huge, huge target.” Maria acknowledged that the others have to see the two of them as a threat — she said that they can use Q for another vote because he trusts her, but Charlie seemed ready to get rid of Q because he’s in her pocket and not his own.
8:21 p.m. – Liz got with Kenzie in order to tell her that “Maria has go to go” because she’s the “kingpin.” She also said she was informed of the Tiffany vote at the last minute and chose to go along with it so that she could see “what was really going on” among the others. She also told Kenzie that Maria mentioned the new “final five” that was brought up last night. Liz said that she still wants Q out, but that Maria might be the better option right now and Kenzie wondered if Charlie would be open to going for Maria as their fourth vote to get the majority.
8:23 p.m. – Venus said that she could “100%” bring in Charlie as their fourth vote. When Venus and Kenzie went to Charlie, he said that he sees Q as being in Maria’s pocket and admitted that he wasn’t directing the Tiffany vote. He pushed Q and Maria as “the strongest pair” right now and gave the others the impression that he’s ready to make a move in order to get a big move under his own belt. The three of them left the conversation open to see how the next immunity challenge goes.
8:30 p.m. – For the next challenge, Jeff had the players fight for immunity by navigating a series of obstacles while balancing a ball on an increasingly long pole. In addition, they played for a pizza delivery reward.
8:32 p.m. – Ben, Venus and Maria were the first through the first stage of the challenge while Q and Liz fell behind. In the second stage, Charlie made up ground and advanced to the third and final stage first. Eventually, Kenzie, Maria, Liz, and then Q all got to the end of the second stage and caught up to Charlie. Maria moved through this snake track quickest and sank a ball first, scoring a lead as she worked on her final ball. Maria dropped her second ball, opening the door for Venus, Charlie, Q, Liz, Kenzie and then Ben to catch up by sinking their first. That equaled the playing field for everyone, but in the end it was Maria that was able to get the ball in even after multiple close calls from Venus who was ahead of her many times.
8:40 p.m. – As the winner, Maria had the chance to bring companions on her pizza reward. Her first choice was Ben, who immediately started crying with gratitude. Her second and final choice she said came down to “whose body is failing.” At that point, both Charlie and Kenzie said they’d take themselves out of it because “there are people who need food more.” She asked Venus, Liz and Q to make their case. Q and Venus wanted it to be Maria’s choice and Liz said she isn’t “too proud to beg.” Maria continued to think while Jeff commented that “no one has ever taken this long.” Maria had Liz and Q do a rock, paper, scissors, which Q won. Under their breath, Liz, Venus and Kenzie were all shocked that’s how Maria made her decision. Kenzie could not believe that Maria acted like she was going to take the people that need to eat, but still chose the person that just ate at the previous reward.
8:49 p.m. – Back at camp, away from the reward, the four that did not get to eat pizza put their heads together about Maria’s shocking decision. They analyzed Maria’s words and couldn’t understand her preface or her decision to send Q on yet another food reward. Charlie called it a “sh*t show” because Maria allowed Q to go and it left “the four pizza losers pissed.” Kenzie told the four of them that they should vote Q out next because it’s obvious that Maria is working closely with him. Charlie said that “as far as I’m concerned, Q is Maria’s number one” and that since they can’t go for a target, they should go for her number one.
8:52 p.m. – On the reward lunch, Maria said that she “got slaughtered” by the eyes from the others when she made her decisions. Maria felt fine because she was safe and thought it gave her “a lot of power.” She still wanted to “keep Q happy” and Ben said that all they need is the three of them with Charlie in order to have the majority. In his confessional, Q admitted that it’s not fair for him to go on another eating reward, but he didn’t care because it was “Siga three plus me.” The pizza winners decided that “Venus is the real problem” and she should be the next to go. They think she’s the most annoying with “negative vibes” and is also the most likely to win an immunity.
8:58 p.m. – When the full group was back together, Charlie recognized that “it was tense” and he was happy that it put other people in the line of fire. Q got Charlie one on one and said that he knows everyone probably pitched Q, but that the plan would be to go for Venus instead. Liz and Venus told Maria that it was “really weird” how she made her decision and then Liz said she can’t understand why she would try to make Q happy over anyone else. Even when Q joined the conversation, Liz continued to voice her true feelings. Later, Maria and Liz got together privately where they discussed a shared thought that they don’t trust Venus.
9:02 p.m. – In another private conversation, Kenzie told Charlie that he’s in the middle and that Ben doesn’t matter. She said the women are going for Q and that they need him as the fourth vote. He later asked Venus what her ideal final four is and she said that she has his back. In her confessional, Venus was eager to “get it correct” and go into the tribal without using her idol. She stressed to Charlie that “we will be close after this vote.” Charlie picked up to her allusion that Venus has secret information, but was sort of put off by the “red flag” that she wouldn’t fully disclose. Charlie went to Ben with his thoughts, but Ben was convinced that Venus was just throwing out random empty threats to create chaos and that’s why she has to go.
9:06 p.m. – The next person Charlie talked to was Kenzie where they agreed that Venus is tough to work with, but Kenzie called it “foolish” to not break Q and Maria up right now while they’re vulnerable. Charlie understood that he was in the power position of the middle, but aware that he could potentially sink his own game by making the wrong decision on this vote. He was worried that people might be mad at him.
9:18 p.m. – At tribal council, Jeff taunted everyone by sitting on his cushion and eating licorice. This time he offered one straw of licorice to the group and they broke it up evenly to share. He also acknowledged Maria’s long decision on who to bring on reward which opened the door for the group to openly criticize her once again. Liz pointed out that Maria “put on this farce” and was “cruel” to choose Q after he had just eaten. Q said that Venus wouldn’t have picked Maria or Q, but Venus said they don’t know that. Charlie added that “everything has consequences” and that’s what makes the game “incredibly hard.”
9:22 p.m. – Kenzie and Liz agreed that it’s tough to be blindsided by people and then be forced to work with them right after for subsequent votes. Liz said she “can’t trust anyone right now” because Maria made it clear that she “wants to play with Q” and that grosses her out. Q said that everyone at camp knows to not tell Venus a name because once she has that information she can’t be trusted to not spread it across the camp. Venus said that she never talks strategy with him anyway.
9:27 p.m. – Once the votes were cast and no one chose to play an idol or advantage, Jeff read the votes: Q, Venus, Kenzie, Venus, Venus, Venus. That meant that yet another player was voted out with an idol in their pocket.
NEXT TIME: Charlie faces a decision between friendship with Maria or strategy and Ben talks about another blindside happening.
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