Survivor 47, Episode 7 Recap: Our Pickle On Blast
Tonight’s episode of Survivor 47 tested tribe loyalty. Now that the Merge has arrived, players are debating whether to stay strong with their tribe or jump ship and form new alliances. We began to see friendships start to falter after a grueling Immunity Challenge put five players in grave danger.
If you missed tonight’s episode, don’t worry, we have you covered.
Here is everything that happened on Survivor 47, Episode 7, “Our Pickle On Blast.”
What happened on Survivor 47, Episode 7?
Tribe loyalty was broken on Episode 7 of Survivor 47. Host Jeff Probst separated the castaways into two teams to compete in an Immunity Challenge. They won or lost as a group but they competed individually. The last player to fall in the challenge would win safety and a food reward for their team. The losers would be sent to Tribal with no food. However, the player on the losing team who survived the longest in the competition would also be granted safety.
The Blue team consisted of Rachel (Gata), Caroline (Tuku), Sue (Tuku), Tiyana (Tuku), Gabe (Tuku), and Kyle (Tuku). Genevieve (Lavo), Sierra (Gata), Andy (Gata), Sam (Gata), Teeny (Lavo), and Sol (Lavo) filled out the Yellow Team. Genevieve and Teeny won safety for their team, while Kyle won individual immunity.
At Tribal, Tiyana became the 7th person voted out of Survivor after a sudden twist saved Rachel from elimination.
Keep reading for a more detailed recap of tonight’s episode.
The Survivor 47 castaways form new bonds
Tonight’s episode began with the castaways regrouping after last week’s blindside. Rome’s cockiness finally caught up with him and he was voted off the Island. The majority of the group walked away from last week’s Tribal Council feeling great. They had just pulled off a successful blindside. Andy, on the other hand, was not so thrilled. When the votes were read, he realized he was the backup option. If Rome played an Idol, he would be the one sipping cocktails in Ponderosa right now.
Sol comes clean to Andy about voting for him. He tells him it was only a security measure in case Rome played an advantage. This conversation doesn’t make Andy feel better. He knows he’s at the bottom. To make matters worse, Sol informs Andy that Sam was the one who threw out his name. This devastates Andy, who sees Sam as his closest ally. It isn’t true that Sam came up with the plan to use Andy as a backup. Sure, he agreed to it but the idea wasn’t his. I’m unclear if Sol just forgot who came up with the plan or if he strategically threw Sam under the bus to fracture his and Andy’s relationship. Either way, this is not great for Sam’s game.
Genevieve needs a new ally after losing Rome, so she scoops up lost puppy Andy. I think this is a smart move for Genevieve. She bets on the underdogs and it has served her well thus far. I enjoy the way she is playing.
The Survivor 47 women vow to work together
At camp, the women realize they have the majority. They talk about working together and picking off the men one by one. I’m hopeful but skeptical because women’s alliances rarely work out on Survivor.
Rachel says she feels good with the Tuku women and could see working with them in the future. Rachel is also in need of new allies. She’s on good terms with her OG tribe but definitely on the bottom after losing Annika.
Tiyana uses this moment to bring up Gabe’s threat level. She really wants him off the Island. She’s been trying to get him out for weeks but Sue and Caroline won’t budge.
Who won the Survivor 47, Episode 7 Immunity Challenge?
Tonight’s challenge is a little unique. Jeff splits the castaways into two random teams but the challenge is an individual competition. The last player in the competition wins safety for themselves and their entire team. They also get a food reward, which includes BBQ ribs, potato salad, corn on the cob, and beer. The castaways are getting emotional at the mention of potato salad (haha). The winners will be safe from Tribal Council and not cast a vote. Instead, they will watch all the drama go down from the jury seats.
The losing team will go to Tribal and the player voted out will not be on the Survivor 47 jury. Brutal. However, one player will have a chance to earn safety. The last player to tap out of the challenge will get Individual Immunity but no food.
On the Blue team are Rachel (Gata), Caroline (Tuku), Sue (Tuku), Tiyana (Tuku), Gabe (Tuku), and Kyle (Tuku). Dude, that sucks for Rachel. She’s all alone with the Tuku tribe.
On the Yellow team are Genevieve (Lavo), Sierra (Gata), Andy (Gata), Sam (Gata), Teeny (Lavo), and Sol (Lavo).
Genevieve and Teeny pull out a win for the Yellow team and Kyle wins Individual Immunity.
I worry a bit for Kyle. He’s won two Individual Immunity challenges in a row. I don’t think he could have thrown either one, so I’m not criticizing him. He had to fight in the first challenge. Rome was throwing out his name and he needed to secure his safety. The second challenge also put him in a tricky position. For one, he wanted to win safety for his whole team and he was so close to doing so. Also, it’s way easier to throw a comp when you have a 1/11 chance of going home, not a 1/5 chance. I’m concerned he will be a target going forward, but we’ll have to see next week. He’s safe for now.
The Blue team weighs their options
The Yellow team enjoys their feast, free from the threat of Tribal. They discuss how screwed Rachel is and predict she will be the one voted out at Tribal. Sol, meanwhile, decides to look around the area for an Idol. It’s risky to look for an Idol in front of people but he manages to pull it off. He finds an advantage and no one seems to notice. The paper grants him the power to send an advantage to someone on the opposing team. They can either use it as an Idol and save themselves from elimination or they can use it to block someone else’s vote.
Over at the Blue team, Rachel is surrounded by Tuku members and knows she is the obvious choice to vote out. Tiyana doesn’t want to go the easy route. She mentions to Kyle that this could be the perfect opportunity to vote out Gabe. She explains that staying Tuku strong will put a target on their backs (she’s right). The group will want to pick one of them off next to weaken their numbers (she’s right, again). Kyle is on board. Tiyana talks to Rachel and she seems down to vote out Gabe. Sue will not turn against Gabe, so Tiyana tries to reason with Caroline. She entertains the idea but ultimately doesn’t budge. She agrees that the group will target Tuku but thinks they’ll go for Kyle and Gabe, so she sees no reason to protect Rachel.
Tiyana’s plan was solid but she doesn’t have the power to pull it off. Kyle and Tiyana tried to work with Caroline and Sue but they are weirdly loyal to Gabe. It feels like a cult or something. Kyle previously tried to warn Sue that Gabe just sees her as a pawn that he can use however he pleases, but she wouldn’t listen. She acts like it’s morally wrong for Kyle and Tiyana to talk game. Sue, this is Survivor! It drives me crazy. I want to root for her but her obsession with Gabe is so puzzling to me.
Who went home on Survivor 47, Episode 7?
The plan going into Tribal seems to be Rachel. Kyle and Tiyana just don’t have the votes to pull off a Gabe blindside. But wait, what about Sol’s advantage? He decides to (anonymously) send the advantage to Rachel (omg), who uses it to secure her safety and return to camp. Omg, omg omg. Tuku’s master plan is ruined. They will be eating one of their own tonight. They are panicking. After a series of whispers, the tribe is ready to vote. Caroline’s vote is the one that matters tonight. The two duos will vote together. She is the deciding vote. Jeff reads the votes and…Tiyana is the 7th person voted out of Survivor 47.
I’m devastated. I wanted her to stay but I understand Caroline’s logic. She probably made the right choice. I don’t think she can totally trust Gabe, but it would be bad for her game if she pissed off Sue. She was in a difficult position.
That’s what you missed on tonight’s episode of Survivor 47.
Survivor airs on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET on CBS.
The post Survivor 47, Episode 7 Recap: Our Pickle On Blast appeared first on Reality Tea.
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