'Robert Smith keeps it real': The Cure frontman's response to enthusiastic reporter goes viral
The Cure established legend status over the weekend as the British band was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame — and its frontman had an absolutely legendary response to an overenthusiastic reporter on the red carpet.
The induction ceremony took place Friday at Barclays Center in Brooklyn and that’s where interviewer Carrie Keagan gave Smith and his bandmates with a gushy greeting. “Congratulations, The Cure, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees 2019, are you as excited as I am?” she chirped excitedly. Smith, without a hint of emotion on his face replied, “Um, by the sounds of it, no.”
The clip has since gone viral with stars including Boy George, Rob Delaney and others sharing it. Smith was called a “hero forever,” a “global treasure” and “God.” Many noted it was a very British reply to an American. One called it “very Robert Smith-like.”
hero forever #KissMeKissMeKissMe pic.twitter.com/TCXsAiaU5P
— rob delaney (@robdelaney) March 31, 2019
Robert Smith is a goth in the matrix. https://t.co/scNUHSTeLu
— Boy George (@BoyGeorge) March 31, 2019
Robert Smith's wonderfully British responsepic.twitter.com/0f78vLd7WE
— Will Gavin (@WillGav) March 31, 2019
This is why Robert Smith is God https://t.co/XgCApsXrll
— Dom Joly (@domjoly) March 31, 2019
Robert Smith's Cure Your Enthusiasm 🤣 pic.twitter.com/35TnZbrAf9
— Ra Nerdsworth (@FLitz) March 31, 2019
Robert Smith is my energy. https://t.co/ip7JPM0qO4
— Sarah Phelps (@PhelpsieSarah) March 31, 2019
God bless Robert Smith. https://t.co/kUPeuM0ctH
— Rob Williams (@Robwilliams71) March 31, 2019
The difference between Americans and British 🤣😂🤣 👌🏻pic.twitter.com/NnOyT62Ten
— Storm Huntley (@StormHuntley) March 31, 2019
Interview training, lesson one, presented by Robert Smith. pic.twitter.com/1ZwwX1Ah9l
— Andrew Stroehlein (@astroehlein) March 31, 2019
I really feel like middle age is where I can lean in to my lifelong goal of wanting to be Robert Smith
— Janine Gibson (@janinegibson) March 31, 2019
Ha! Yes, it’s very ‘Robert Smith’ like, isn’t it? https://t.co/aq5RnaOTnL
— Tony Clayton-Lea (@TonyClaytonLea) March 31, 2019
Robert Smith is a global treasure https://t.co/yu8l96hdRx
— Mark Gottlieb (@MarkGottliebFOX) April 1, 2019
this is the funniest start to an interview i have ever seen i love robert smith man pic.twitter.com/7H4okzPX0L
— al (@_hidingwithboys) March 30, 2019
While some people stuck up for Keagan, she didn’t seem upset at the time. After Smith’s deadpan reply, she followed up with, “Oh, no, what are we going to do?” He answered, “I’m sure we’ll get there eventually. It’s a bit early, isn’t it?”
Later on Twitter Keagan, who has been a host for years, called the rock star’s response “perfect Robert Smith.”
Oooh but I doooo! His response was perfect Robert Smith 🖤
— Carrie Keagan (@CarrieKeagan) March 31, 2019
She also addressed some of the annoying tweets. She explained that her energy was real and she’s just a fan of the band.
I’m sorry you feel that way but I am a real fan of The Cure. My excitement was real and his response was perfection 🖤
— Carrie Keagan (@CarrieKeagan) March 31, 2019
Oh but my excitement was pure 🖤
— Carrie Keagan (@CarrieKeagan) March 31, 2019

The Cure was formed in 1976 and they released their first album in 1979. Ahead of the induction, Smith quipped to Rolling Stone, “Despite my best efforts at being alternative, we’d been subsumed into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.”
The group was inducted by Nine Inch Nails’s Trent Reznor and Smith said during his acceptance speech that it was a “very nice surprise to be inducted.” He thanked the fans and “everyone that’s bought the record, or listened to the music, been to a show, just enjoyed what we do. It’s been a fantastic thing, it really has.”
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