Trevor Noah Cuts a Coronavirus-Themed Promo To Mock Classifying WWE as ‘Essential’ (Video)
Like a lot of people did, “The Daily Show” took some time Tuesday to mock Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ decision to classify pro wrestling powerhouse WWE as an “essential business,” so that it can continue having events amid the coronavirus pandemic. And host Trevor Noah did it in the most appropriate way — by cutting a promo.
Though it was first reported on Tuesday, DeSantis classified WWE as an essential business sometime last week. This despite a statewide stay-at-home order enacted earlier this month in response to the coronavirus pandemic. This reclassification allows the company to resume shooting live shows, sans a live audience, out of its Orlando training facility and Full Sail University in Winter Park.
After explaining this weird turn of events, Noah noted that because WWE has been taping during the era of social distancing, the storylines have gotten ridiculous. Cue video of him dressed as a low-budget wrestler.
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“Triple H, I saw you touching your face, and you didn’t wash your hands!” Noah’s wrestling character said. “You are about to pay. I’m gonna flatten your curve!”
Noah then noted that originally, WWE wasn’t classified as essential until the company reached out to DeSantis personally. Then he rolled a clip of what he said was the negotiations between WWE and Florida (really just repurposed WWE footage with DeSantis deep faked-in.)
It’s fun stuff and you can watch it all above. The WWE segment begins about 2 minutes in.
Read original story Trevor Noah Cuts a Coronavirus-Themed Promo To Mock Classifying WWE as ‘Essential’ (Video) At TheWrap
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