‘Twin Peaks’: New Viral Campaign May Provide Clues to New Season

Twin Peaks will soon return to television after 26 years off the air, and the producers have gone to some strange lengths to advertise its return. Take, for example, these Missing Posters that have popped up all over Australia. The signs depict the character Laura Palmer, whose murder was the central mystery of the original series. Although her body was found wrapped in plastic in the pilot’s first two minutes and her killer was revealed midway through Season 2, these posters seem to suggest that the Laura Palmer saga isn’t over yet.

To summarize where we left off with David Lynch’s surreal and sprawling plot for the Twin Peaks series (as well as the film Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me and The Missing Pieces, a collection of outtakes that add about 74 minutes to the series and are considered canon), here’s what we’ve got…

The series ended with the cliffhanger that FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper, played by Kyle MacLachlan, travels into the Black Lodge, the extradimensional realm, where Laura Palmer’s killer, Bob, has taken refuge. It seems that Cooper has been trapped there for 25 years, and in the real world, he’s been replaced by an evil doppelg?nger possessed by the wicked spirit Bob. We are given one glimpse at this evil Cooper in a deleted scene included in The Missing Pieces.

This version of Agent Cooper is very likely the man we’ll see Kyle MacLachlan playing in the new series, perhaps reinvestigating Laura’s murder now that he’s possessed by her killer? Or maybe not, because David Lynch does what David Lynch wants. I mean, have you seen his weird weather forecasts?

Twin Peaks returns to Showtime on May 21 at 9 p.m.

David Lynch: Solving Laura Palmer’s Murder Killed Twin Peaks

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