\n\nThe recently sworn-in Republican from Texas stirred up a big a reaction on Twitter, with supporters that are glad he’s getting into the mix, and others who find these talking points “sad” and disappointing.\n

Really dude?

\n— Judy Laird Altomare (@Swamigirl) January 23, 2019

Things Congress blundered this week... Running the government.

\n— MsAgentG (@aag3981) January 23, 2019

- March for birth, not life. ?Let's be honest.\n- Not proven to be lies.\n- Videos support the narrative, rather than debunk it.\n- Noted the 2nd Lady's work at a school which discriminates against people.\nHonor. Courage. Commitment, LCDR Crenshaw. Be better.

\n— Zach McMechan (@bigmountain61) January 23, 2019

Snl blunders:\n-apologizing to you

\n— Nick Collins (@nickcollinsisme) January 24, 2019

Come on, Dan. ?Don’t be like this.

\n— nancy (@jimmypat9) January 23, 2019

Sad to see you jump on the #fakemedia bandwagon @DanCrenshawTX. ?When I saw you on SNL - with an incredible sense of humor - I thought you would be more than a party hack. I’m sad. I keep thinking there is hope for America.

\n— Hipster Coffee Company (@HipsterCoffeeCo) January 23, 2019

Gross! You want to take away my right to control my body. And you support homophobia. And you think it’s cool for kids to disrespect an elderly man. You should be ashamed of yourself.\nWhere is your concern for the kids separated from their families?

\n— grace kenny (@SloGrace) January 24, 2019

Dan Crenshaw keeps reminding us that he’s a monster. Saturday Night Live made such an unconscionable mistake by propping him up as some kind of good guy. https://t.co/yOqeEV4EeJ

\n— Palmer Report (@PalmerReport) January 24, 2019

Crenshaw 2024 has a nice ring to it

\n— JackJaffee (@JackJaffee) January 22, 2019


\n— Roger Fanti (@rrfanti) January 24, 2019

Quickly becoming one of my favorite new representatives. ?Keep up the good work.

\n— FifteenBlade (@AnonScalpel) January 22, 2019
\nFox & Friends airs every day at 6 a.m. on Fox News.\n\nWatch Sarah Sanders go after the media in the wake of cancelled press briefings at the White House:\n\n\n

Read more from Yahoo Entertainment:


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Twitter erupts after Dan Crenshaw says anti-Christian media coverage is a 'crisis'

Rep. Dan Crenshaw elaborated on a recent tweet during his appearance on Fox & Friends Thursday, where he criticized the media for what he calls anti-Christian coverage, including a claim that the March For Life was “hardly” publicized by the media.

“Aside from Fox News, March For Life doesn’t get a whole lot of coverage even though there’s hundreds of thousands of people coming out in a positive, optimistic way,” Crenshaw said. “I was there. This was really a great march. It was a great group of people. Didn’t really get a lot of coverage.”

Crenshaw, who is perhaps most well-known for being mocked and later apologized to by SNL‘s Pete Davidson, points to the incident over the weekend at the Lincoln Memorial involving Covington Catholic High School students as another example of a “blunder” committed by the media.

“That story has been thoroughly debunked. Yet the mainstream media resorted to complete outrage culture, in stride, all together, let’s hate these kids. Let’s demean these kids. It was so wrong. It was so painful to watch,” Crenshaw said, adding: “Right before that Karen Pence had been attacked for just teaching at a Christian school. We’ve seen the last couple months. Democrat senators, tearing apart judicial nominees because of their Christian faith. This is an ongoing crisis and it’s not right. We should be speaking out against it.”

The recently sworn-in Republican from Texas stirred up a big a reaction on Twitter, as some found these talking points “sad” and disappointing.

However, his supporters are glad he’s getting into the mix.

Watch Sarah Sanders go after the media in the wake of canceled press briefings at the White House:

Read more from Yahoo Entertainment:

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