Tyler Perry Donates $100K To Legal Defense Fund Of Breonna Taylor’s Boyfriend, Kenneth Walker

Film and TV mogul Tyler Perry has donated $100K to the legal defense fund of Kenneth Walker, the boyfriend of Black medical worker Breonna Taylor who was died in her own home at the hands of Louisville Metro Police Department plainclothes officers Jonathan Mattingly, Brett Hankison, and Myles Cosgrove. Mattingly, who was shot in the leg by Walker during the botched raid, sued him for assault, battery and emotional distress back in October.

A GoFundMe page was launched on behalf of Walker to help raise funds for the legal battle against Mattingly. Perry’s generous donation were made in four separate transactions on Sunday afternoon to help the fund surpass its $100K goal.

“It’s outrageous for one of the men partially responsible for all that, to sue the man who endured it,” said the GoFundMe page. “The raid that killed Breonna Taylor was poorly conceived, nightmarishly executed, and hastily covered-up. The subsequent grand jury proceedings were farcical and staged. Daniel Cameron’s statements were disingenuous, at best. Jon Mattingly’s lawsuit is the nearly-unbelievable next step in this ongoing mockery of justice.”

This continues Perry’s generous philanthropic efforts and giving back to the community. During Thanksgiving, Tyler Perry Studios distributed non-perishable food items and gift cards to families in need in Atlanta.

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