Are Video Games Making Kids More Violent?
A new study has found a link between violent video games and aggressive behavior in children. Some critics say it’s because of the guns and shooting kids participate in while playing these games.
TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: Problems with your teen?
With 97 percent of teens playing what could be considered violent video games, could there be a link between the virtual violence and violence in real life?
WATCH: Mom Says 12-Year-Old Son Is ‘Addicted And Obsessed With Violent Video Games’
Watch more on this hot topic in the video above. And, on Friday’s episode of Dr. Phil, a mother says her 12-year-old son is obsessed with playing violent video games, and it’s not only exacerbating his numerous behavioral issues, but she fears it may be the catalyst for him becoming the next school shooter. Check here to see where you can watch.
TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: Problems with your teen?