What time is the State of the Union? How to watch it — and the predictable media coverage

How to watch President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address?

With a microscope, probably.

Seriously, this year the address is a biggie. Biden’s age is a hot-button media topic, as is his handling of the war in the Middle East, as are his efforts to reform the border, etc., etc., etc. Republicans and right-wing media are chomping at the bit to jump all over him about any of these things, and more. Liberal supporters are ready to defend him. Plus, it’s an election year and Donald Trump, Biden’s presumptive opponent, is making promises and boasts that threaten democracy.

There’s a lot going on.

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When is the State of the Union 2024?

The address is scheduled for 7 p.m. Arizona time on Thursday, March 7.

Presidents typically release excerpts from their speech before delivering it, so that news organizations can begin framing their coverage. This year is no different. Biden will take a “whose side are you on” approach, according to NBC News, which seems like an excellent idea.

But that’s politics, and this is media. So rather than give a preview of what Biden will say, I’ll give you a preview of how media will cover it. It’s not too difficult to figure out.

First, in the run-up to the speech, talking heads will go back and forth about what Biden should say, which is a waste because we already know more or less what he will say. Broadcast networks will drop by for a rare evening visit. Biden will give the speech, watched more closely than ever this year, ears straining to hear any misstep, any gaffe, anything remotely out of the ordinary.

President Joe Biden said the U.S. is working on a plan to airdrop humanitarian assistance to the Gaza Strip.
President Joe Biden said the U.S. is working on a plan to airdrop humanitarian assistance to the Gaza Strip.

If he does misstep, and he might, the reactions will be predictable. Fox News will commission a six-part series about Biden’s cognitive decline, led by mental-health experts like Sean Hannity and Jesse Watters, while blithely ignoring Trump’s frequent mistakes and misstatements — the unintentional ones — or writing them off as part of his folksy charm. Because what is more charming than saying you’ll go after the free press if elected, or use the Department of Justice as your own little bully squad to get revenge on “enemies?”

MSNBC will take the opposite approach, jumping to Biden’s defense and boldly stating that, given the intense pressure and scrutiny, this really might have been one of the best political speeches of the 21st Century. Until the next one.

CNN will do its CNN thing, starting out strong with voices like Jake Tapper and Dana Bash parsing the speech for greater meaning, then giving the whole thing over to three or four panels of midwesterners who eat in diners and think that Trump may have his problems, but they just don’t know enough about this Biden guy yet.

Who will give the Republican response?

Alabama Sen. Katie Britt will give the Republican response. Fox News will call it strong, MSNBC will tear it down and CNN will throw to a panel of Democratic-leaning voters who just don’t think Biden’s got a long-enough political record to make their choices, so maybe they’ll just go with Trump.

Meanwhile, on social media, X will explode with half-baked angry takes about Biden’s age and Trump’s virility, sandwiched between ugly ads for products you have no use for. Over on Threads, liberals will berate any journalist, especially those who write for the New York Times, who mentions even in the most modest or anodyne of ways that Biden’s age may be a concern, equating it to voting for Hitler or something.

So we’ve got all that to look forward to.

Of course, what media should really focus on is what Biden suggests — which side are you on?

The upcoming election is as stark a contrast in candidates as one can imagine. It’s not biased to say that Trump threatens democracy — he seems proud to do so, and many of his followers are absolutely rabid over the idea.

It’s also not a merry skip down the road to fascism to point out Biden’s age, given that he is, you know, a human being. But if you’re going to point that out, it is only fair to do the same with Trump, who makes gaffes all the time. Of course, Jon Stewart tried that in his return to “The Daily Show” and was pilloried.

Technically the campaign hasn’t even started. In reality, it never ended. But there are markers. Biden’s State of the Union address is as good an unofficial kick-off to a long election season as any, especially in the wake of the Super Tuesday primaries. The campaign will be sloppy and ugly and scary. Let’s hope the media are up to capturing that, and what it all means.

What time is the State of the Union speech?

7 p.m. Arizona time on Thursday, March 7. Cable news and broadcast networks are expected to carry the address and the White House will stream it at whitehouse.gov/state-of-the-union-2024.

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This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: What time is the State of the Union address on TV tonight?