Wes Chatham and Jenn Brown Introduce Son John Nash
Meet John Nash Chatham!
After welcoming their first child on Nov. 24, actor Wes Chatham and television host Jenn Brown are introducing their son in a series of sweet family photos.
Although the couple are in complete baby bliss, parenthood began with a bumpy start after the NFL Network and American Ninja Warriorhost, 33, went into labor five and a half weeks weeks ahead of her New Year’s Eve due date — with Chatham, 36, stuck in Canada.
“Unfortunately, Wes was on an airplane when Nash was born,” Brown, who wore her Posh Mommy necklace during the shoot, tells PEOPLE exclusively. “We really hoped he was going to make it, but, again, Nash had other plans.”
Now 10 weeks into life with their baby boy, the new parents opened up to PEOPLE about everything from the early delivery and breastfeeding to late night feedings and their son’s name.
PEOPLE: Congratulations! How have the last two months with your new baby boy been?
Jenn: The last two months have been wonderful. I can’t believe how fast he’s growing. Being a mother is the best thing in the world, I just love him so much! I can’t stop taking pictures of him — I get it now when people have a thousand pictures of their kids on their phone. I’m totally that person now!
PEOPLE: How was your labor and delivery? Did you go in with a birth plan? How did Wes help you out?
Jenn: Well, Nash decided he wanted to come five and a half weeks early, so he had his own birth plan. Haha! I delivered him naturally and he was only 5 lbs., 3 oz. at birth, so he was definitely on the smaller side. But he was 19 inches long — and remember he was five weeks early — so he was definitely going to be a big boy if he had held out until New Year’s Eve, which was his original due date.
Unfortunately, Wes was on an airplane when Nash was born. He’d been in Toronto filming a new TV series for SyFy called The Expanse. We really hoped he was going to make it, but, again, Nash had other plans. Wes rushed to the airport after filming and was walking on the plane when I found out I had to start pushing. We were actually going to Skype him in from on the plane, but they didn’t have WiFi on board. He said it was the longest flight of his life.
PEOPLE: What was it like seeing your son for the first time?
Jenn: It’s really hard to describe all the emotions I felt when they put him in my arms. I just remember thinking how blessed we were to have Nash and that I loved him so much and I couldn’t wait for Wes to meet him.
PEOPLE: Are you breastfeeding? What’s your favorite part of nursing? Hardest/most challenging?
Jenn: The first month was challenging when it came to breastfeeding because he was a preemie and it was hard to get him to latch on. I ended up having to pump around the clock and feed him with a bottle, which was definitely the most difficult part because you are feeding him every two to three hours. To pump, feed, burp, change and wash bottles 12 times a day, you don’t get a lot of sleep time and it isn’t easy.
But it’s such a special feeling to be able to breastfeed. I love that time that we get to spend together, just Nash and me, and when he looks up at me, my heart just melts.
PEOPLE: How are night feedings? Do you and Wes tackle them as a team or do you trade off?
Jenn: Wes and I tried to tackle the first night feeding together and it was hilarious. Neither of us knew what to do, we both were running around trying to change him and feed him and we really had no clue. Nash also peed on our bedspread the very first day home, so that was fun. After that, we decided that I would take the night feedings and Wes would take him in the morning so I could sleep in.
We really only got to do this the first few weeks because Wes had to go back to Toronto to finish filming. He’ll be finished mid-March, so for the most part, I’m doing it now all by myself. It’s actually not that bad once you get into a rhythm. I had no idea I could function on so little sleep. It will be interesting to see how we manage this now that I’m back traveling for work. My first assignment was the Super Bowl coverage for NFL Network, but Nash came with me and I had my mom with me to help! (Check out some Instagrams from the trip below.)
PEOPLE: How did you come up with the name? Is there any special meaning behind it?
Jenn: I was reading a Sports Illustrated magazine several years ago and they had an article about a football player and his family and his son’s name was Nash. I remember thinking, “I really like that name.” Wes’s name is John Wesley Chatham, so we decided to name him John Nash Chatham and call him Nash, just like his daddy is known by his middle name.
PEOPLE: How has Wes been as a father? Was he nervous? Or is he already a pro?
Jenn: Wes is such a great daddy. He is so good with Nash and I just love watching them together. He’s also pretty darn good at changing diapers. The first time was pretty funny because Wes had never changed a diaper before and Nash peed and pooped on him all at once. It was hilarious and I got it all on video!
PEOPLE: Are you catching glimpses of Nash’s personality? Is he more like Mom or Dad?
Jenn: He really is such a good baby! He barely cries and every day I wake up wondering, “Is this the day he’s going to start crying?” We hope we don’t jinx it by saying that. Haha!
But he really is just the sweetest little thing. He’s very calm and a happy baby. He makes us laugh all the time with the different faces he makes. He has this one face we call the poop face for obvious reasons and it’s basically his version of the Zoolander face.
Wes: Right now I’d say he looks more like me. There will be these times I’m looking at him and he’ll make a face and I see myself staring back at me and it stops me in my tracks. It’s such an amazing feeling to see this little person that Jenn and I created looking back at me.
PEOPLE: What’s one mommy trick that you’ve already learned?
Jenn: The bouncy ball! We bought a big red workout ball — the kind you do abs on — and any time Nash starts to fuss we hold him and bounce on the ball. He quiets right up and I’d like to think I’m getting an ab workout at the same time!
PEOPLE: Are you thinking one and done or are you already planning on giving Nash a sibling?
Jenn: It’s funny because I’ve alway been the one who’s wanted a large family and Wes has always been more of a fan of having maybe just two. But the other day Wes said, “It’s time to have another one!” And I was the one saying, “Let’s wait … for now.” We definitely want more, but are just going to enjoy Nash for right now!
— Anya Leon
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