Why Emma Stone Isn’t at the 2024 Emmys

Emma Stone chose not to go to this evening’s Emmys, but the actress’s absence isn’t all too surprising when you look at the awards show’s nominee list. While Stone’s series, The Curse, came out within the eligibility period, it was completely shut out of the nominations. In fact, it was included on several snub lists.

Stone still had an incredible awards season earlier this year, taking home the Best Actress Oscar for the second time in her career. She spoke to The Hollywood Reporter in April about her roles in The Curse and Poor Things, the film that earned Stone her second Academy Award.

“The roles were also completely different ends of the spectrum, which was really nice to do within a year of each other,” she shared. “In Poor Things, I played the most pure, open, nonjudgmental person. And then the opposite: My Curse character is all masks and hiding and judgment and self-loathing and lack of confidence and all of that.”

She also discussed how she chooses which projects she takes on now. “Gut instinct is the only way I’ve really ever decided anything with work,” she shared. “At the beginning, you’re trying to just work as an actor, and so you take jobs and things. Now I’m just drawn to something. It’s an impossible thing to describe. I just want to do it. And then once I want to do something, I can’t think about anything else. So there’s no real rhyme or reason to it.”

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