Why We’re ‘Butthurt’ About ‘Workaholics’ Ending

The world shall get weird no more. The Workaholics cast have announced they’ll be giving the series a pink slip after Season 7 which premieres in January 2017. Blake, Anders and Adam began as sketch group Mail Order Comedy, releasing moderately successful videos on YouTube until a Comedy Central exec discovered them and launched Workaholics.
In March 2011, a sneak peek premiere was released after The Roast of Donald Trump, it was a hit, and the first season launched less than a month later. The trio of burnout telemarketers quickly established their voice and introduced the world to a bevy of stupidly catchy platitudes.
The Workaholics crew also celebrated their love of any and all drugs, the star of Entrapment, and of course, each other.
While most dirty comedies of the ilk feature friends who deeply hate and disparage each other for laughs to the point that one would wonder why the hell these people even hang out, Ders, Adam and Blazer are true bros to the end.
Workaholics will return on Comedy Central in January.
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Tell us what you think! What’s your favorite episode of Workaholics? And are you an Adam, a Ders, or a Blake? Hit us up on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram or leave your comments below. And check out our host, Khail Anonymous, on Twitter.