Wish Interview: Angelique Cabral Talks Queen Amaya and Disney Songs

Wish Interview: Angelique Cabral Talks Queen Amaya and Disney Songs
(Photo by Jesse Grant/Getty Images for Disney)

ComingSoon Editor-in-Chief Tyler Treese spoke with Wish star Angelique Cabral, who voices Queen Amaya, about Walt Disney Animation Studios’ latest movie. The film is out digitally on January 23 and arrives on 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray, and DVD on March 12.

“In this animated musical-comedy, Asha, a sharp-witted idealist in the kingdom of Rosas, makes a powerful wish that’s answered by Star, a ball of boundless energy,” says the synopsis. “Soon, Asha and Star must face a formidable foe—the ruler of Rosas—to save her community and prove that when one brave human connects with the magic of the stars, wondrous things happen.”

Tyler Treese: Queen Amaya is such an interesting character since she loves Magnifico and believes in his vision for the Kingdom. But once he starts going down that darker path, she has to either go for the city of Rosas or stick by her husband. What did you like most about that complicated situation that she finds herself in?

Angelique Cabral: I loved it so much, because I think it’s a very real dilemma that a lot of married people come to at some point in their life. Maybe you’re dealing with the man you love, or the person that you love, your partner – that right versus wrong. So I think that a lot of people can maybe relate to Queen Amaya’s struggle and I think it’s also just such a moment of clarity for her that she chooses her kingdom over her husband..

I also think there’s a part of Amaya that knows that it’s not really him. Like — to me — it’s very clear to her that he’s under this spell of evil – the green magic from that book, right? The evil spell book. So, to me, it’s also like her saying, “Right now, I’m choosing to save the kingdom, and I’m choosing to be the better ruler essentially.”

She really steps forward. I think it’s difficult for her, but I think she loves him obviously very much, but she loves her kingdom more ultimately. That’s a really beautiful struggle that a lot of people — I think– were surprised by, to be honest, because she’s kind of placated throughout the beginning of the movie. She seems kind of like a docile partner in a lot of ways. But then she talks him down that first time when he starts to lean towards the evil magic, and she has a way of kind of calming him that I think is really beautiful. But then she sees that that’s not going to work, and I think that’s when she makes her decision – that it’s him or the Kingdom.

That’s one of the most exciting moments of the film. Seeing that switch where she decides to take action and not sit idly by. As an audience member, you’re cheering that moment.

Surprised by it, aren’t you? ’cause you don’t see it coming. I actually didn’t see it coming, for sure — even though I know the story and was like, “Wow, this was really well done.” Because it kind of surprises you when she barges in during the song “Knowing What I Know Now.”

People love your part in that song. It ties into the conflict we were talking about. You sing this line, “The good in him I’ve watched it melt,” — that has really resonated with people. What do you like most about that song? Because it’s such a fun group number that involves so many people.

Oh my gosh, that song is my favorite. I cry every time I hear it! We listen to it on repeat in my house. My kids are obsessed with it. And everyone I know, even people I don’t know, are like, “Oh my gosh, that’s the best song.” It’s like catchy. It’s like this anthem […] Like a battle cry, really.

And I just think it’s so surprising that Queen Amaya comes in to join the teens and Asha in that moment. I’m so proud of it. When I was recording it, I knew it sounded cool. They showed me like a little version of, like, a rendering of what the full production would potentially look like. But it’s nothing like it looks like in the actual movie. So I was blown away. It’s so awesome.

It’s so rad to see her [and] the shadow walk in. When I was recording, I thought, “This sounds so cool, and I can’t believe I’m gonna be seeing this big group number.” It’s so empowering. But it is really Maya’s moment, and I love how they expressed it.

Yeah, it’s really lovely. And I saw that you were a musical theatre major, too. How did you feel knowing you were gonna be part of a big Disney musical, coming from that background? Were there a lot of nerves there, or mostly excitement?

Well, I’ll be honest, I was a musical theater major in college. I sang in my early twenties in New York. But I haven’t sung in years. I’ve been on TV doing comedies. So I was definitely excited, but [it had] been years. So I also was like, “Can I do this?”

I knew I could do it because I had auditioned and I had to sing acapella. I sing every now and then with my kids, so I know I still got my pipes. Like I got it. But this was very different. I’d never recorded anything in a recording studio. So I got the music, I had to learn it, I had to rehearse it. And, like, I am not a pop singer, so I was listening to Julia Michael’s beautiful voice, and I was like, “This is incredible — am I ever going to be able to do this?”

That’s actually when I got her voice, and I was learning it with her, listening to it. I kind of got nervous. She sounded so good! [I thought] “I’ll never be able to sound that good.” But then I had incredible rehearsals, and I had a coach, and I worked really hard. Then it was a dream come true. I felt so prepared. I worked really hard to make sure I sounded the way they wanted, and I was ready and prepared. I kind of hit the ground running that day in the recording studio.

And I love to take notes. I love to take direction. That’s all it is — Benjamin and Julia giving me notes on both sides about the emotion of it and the pace or little tweaks here and there. And I loved that. So, they immediately put me at ease. But overall, I’d say I was excited and thrilled that I got to sing. But there were moments of nerves in there too, just ’cause I haven’t done it in so long. But I loved it. It was so fun.

You sounded great, so obviously, you’ve still got it. And I saw you all recorded separately. Describe how that was, when you finally got to the premiere and met the cast for the first time. That had to be strange.

Actually, the saddest part of the whole thing is that we were still not able to attend the LA premiere. We missed — as a cast — the LA premiere because we were still on strike. […] Very shortly after the strike ended, we got to attend some press and I got to meet Ariana and Alan and Julia and Ben, obviously. We were all together for a lot of the press. But I have yet to meet Chris Pine [laughs]. Isn’t that so funny?

You haven’t met your on-screen husband.

I know! And we haven’t really had an opportunity to come together as a cast. Everyone’s kind of off doing their own thing and doing different projects. It happens, you know, you record a movie like this over a span of almost a year and, like, nine months in total. So it takes a while. By the time it comes out, everyone’s kind of doing different things, and we’ve all been working on other projects, so I’m sure eventually we’ll all get to meet.

I can’t wait to meet Natasha [Rothwell]. I love her work, and so many of the other cast members, but Ariana [DeBose] is amazing. She’s been incredibly lovely, and we text. Alan [Tudyk] was really fun. I’ve been a big fan of his for years. He’s got the dream life. He’s in like every Disney hit.

It was great. The people I have met have been lovely. It’s been really fun to be able to celebrate the movie and to be able to talk about it now. To be able to post about it, and our experiences. But we never met during any of the music or anything.

You have two kids. How special has it been that you get to show them a Disney movie that you’re one of the stars in it?

I think it’s the highlight of my life so far. The highlight of my career. My kids love it so much. They have sat with me in the theater probably 15 times. They can’t get over it! Every time, my little 4-year-old says, “Mama, mama, mama, that’s you, that’s you!” So it’s a really special time in my life that they are this age, and they think it’s still so cool – and that she’s a strong female character who leads with her own truth and doesn’t give in to her evil husband. Like that’s a big deal. I’m very proud of that. I’m proud to be a role model for my kids.

And the story is so beautiful. My daughter’s always wishing — we always make wishes at 11:11. We talk to the sky, we talk to the universe. So that’s very much a part of my story and who I am already. So, for them to see it reiterated on a scope like this is just very powerful, and I’m enjoying it so much. It’s the best.

That’s so lovely. You also sing on the reprise of “This Wish,” and that’s really become one of the standout songs. So how did it feel to be a part of that? Because like that and “Knowing What I Know Now” are the two big songs from the soundtrack.

I’ll tell you that the reprise of “This Wish,” I couldn’t get through it without weeping. I still can’t even listen to it because it’s just so powerful, and the words are so true. They touch me, and very much it remind me of my childhood. And I loved learning that music. I loved it so much. It was hard! It’s a hard song to sing. But after doing that, I truly feel like I could sing anything. So if anything, this experience has taught me that I can sing again.

One of the cool elements about Wish is that not only is it this fun stand-alone movie, but it’s also celebrating a hundred years of Disney’s history. There are a bunch of fun references to past work. So how special was it to not only be adding to that legacy, but to be a part of this film that is designed around celebrating Disney?

I think it’s so special. Because I also think right now we need — in the current state of affairs — we need hope and joy and something to believe in. This movie is very timely, and for Disney fans and non-Disney fans alike, like you just can’t help but find joy in this movie. And with all the little nods to past movies and the little eggs that are hidden in there, I think that’s so fun. It’s become like a competition to see like, “Oh, did you see this? Did you see this?” And I think that’s really been fun to see my friends and family enjoying that. There’s nothing bigger than a hundred years of Disney. It’s just the biggest honor ever. And I think this movie is perfect for what it’s celebrating.

I’m curious – since Disney is so iconic – are there any Disney films growing up that were your favorite or that you were obsessed with?

Every Disney movie [laughs]. I watched them all. I was obsessed with Jungle Book. I was obsessed with Cinderella, of course, and Sleeping Beauty. Bambi, Dumbo, Fantasia… I remember Fantasia very vividly.

I was born in Hawaii, so I have a love for the island. So Moana really is one of my favorites. And this reminds me of Moana in a lot of ways. The color and the beauty of Rosa, I think, is so special. And Asha reminds me very much of Moana. I love their fiery spirit.

So yeah, I’m a big Disney fan. I always have been. My mom grew up taking me to Disneyland. She would save our money for a year, and we would go once a year, and it was a really big deal. So, it’s full circle for me.

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