WWE NXT No Mercy Results (9/1/24)
WWE NXT No Mercy Results
September 1, 2024
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com
NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Chase U (Andre Chase and Ridge Holland) (c) vs. Nathan Frazer and Axiom
Chase floors Axiom with the kitchen sink. Axiom maneuvers his way out of an armbar and lands a dropkick. Octopus hold by Axiom. Frazer builds up some speed and dropkicks Chase in the face. Holland tags in and runs over Frazer. Delayed butterfly suplex by Holland. Chase gets the tag and dropkicks Frazer in the face. Axiom gets the tag. Frazer and Axiom double team Chase. Axiom lands a DDT for a near fall. Axiom and Frazer double superkick Chase.
Frazer superkicks Holland off the apron. Standing Shooting Star by Frazer. Chase kicks out. Axiom and Frazer work over Chase. Chase manages to tag in Holland. Holland clears the ring. Frazer kicks out of Holland’s Storm Breaker. Axiom leaps off the top but is caught by Holland. Holland hits a suplex into a front slam. Diving head butt off the top by Holland. Frazer breaks up the pin. Axiom and Frazer work over Holland. Holland tags in Chase, who gets set up on the top rope. Axiom and Frazer set up their finish. Holland rushes the ring.
Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (8/27/24)
Frazer hits the ropes, which causes Axiom to get crotched on the top rope. Chase takes Axiom off the top with a super Spanish Fly. Tiger Bomb by Chase. Kick out by Axiom. Axiom sends Chase over the top. Axiom lands a dive. Frazer tries a dive on Holland, but Holland catches Frazer by the throat. Axiom tries a dive and gets caught with Frazer. Holland sends Axiom and Frazer over the barricade. Frazer and Axiom both dive off the barricade and land on Holland. Frazer gets a near fall after a springboard 450 splash.
Doomsday Device by Chase U. Frazer kicks out. Frazer and Axiom hit the brainbuster/Golden Ratio combo. Chase kicks out. Frazer holds Chase in place. Axiom tries another Golden Ratio, but Chase ducks. Axiom almost takes Frazer’s head off. Holland and Chase land a backstabber/powerbomb combo. Axiom kicks out. Axiom lands a top-rope Spanish fly on Chase. Frazer follows that with a Phoenix Splash for the win!
Winners and NEW NXT Tag Team Champions, Axiom and Nathan Frazer!
After the match, Holland goes nuts and attacks Duke Hudson and Riley Osborn. Chase tries to calm Holland down, but Holland responds with a vicious lariat. Holland drops Chase on the commentary desk with the 187 DDT. Thea Hail cries and asks Holland why. Chase is taken out on a stretcher.
Wes Lee vs. TNA X-Division Champion Zachary Wentz
Lee and Wentz trade takedowns and flips. Neither man can gain an advantage, and the flurry of moves ends in a stalemate. Dropkick by Wentz. Lee eats a big boot. Corkscrew Splash by Wentz. Lee kicks out. Lee rolls out of the ring to avoid a superkick. Wentz follows. Lee chop blocks Wentz on the apron. Wentz gets tossed into the ring post. Lee and Wentz trade strikes out on the floor. Lee suplexes Wentz on the apron.
Before Wentz can get his barrings, Lee focuses his assault on Wentz’s shoulder. Lee lands a nasty dropkick to Wentz’s shoulder blades. Lee works over Wentz. Wentz blasts Lee with a handspring knee strike. Wentz fires up and lands a flurry of strikes. Lee tries a leapfrog, but Wentz plucks Lee out of the air and hits a German suplex. Lee is sent flying over the top. Apron PK by Wentz. Wentz lands a corkscrew senton out on the floor. Swanton by Wentz. Lee kicks out. Lee tries a Meteora, but Wentz rolls through and traps Lee in a Boston Crab.
Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (8/27/24)
The crowd cheers as Lee kicks his way out of the move. Wentz goes up top. Lee kicks Wentz in the head. Leaping rana by Lee. Phoenix Splash by Lee. Lee hits the Cardiac Kick. Wentz kicks out! Blockbuster DDT by Wentz. Lee bounces off the ropes and hits Meteora. Wentz is sent flying out of the ring. Lee clears off the commentary desk before sending Lee into the ring steps. Lee tries a running knee, but Wentz moves out of the way, causing Lee to slam his knee into the ring steps.
Wentz gets knocked into the commentary desk, which hilariously falls apart. Lee goes up top and lands a double stomp to the floor. Wentz isn’t moving. Lee sends Wentz into the ring post. As Wentz is lying against the ring post, Lee goes for a chair, tossing the TNA X-Division Championship on the ground in the process. Trey Miguel appears and snatches the chair away from Lee. Lee turns around, and Wentz leaps off the apron and hits a Canadian Destroyer on the floor. Wentz sends Lee to the ring and hits the UFO Cutter for the win!
Winner- Zachary Wentz
NXT Women’s North American Championship Match: Kelani Jordan (c) vs. Wendy Choo
Choo knees Jordan in the gut. Dropkick by Jordan. Jordan rolls up Choo for a near fall. Choo stomps on Jordan’s hand before locking in a double knuckle lock. Jordan lands a surprise rana. Choo rolls out of the ring. Corkscrew dive to the floor by Jordan. Jordan sends Choo back into the ring and sets up her split-legged moonsault. Choo rolls to the other side of the ring. After a series of reversals, Jordan lands another dropkick. Cartwheel Splash by Jordan. Choo kicks out. Jordan goes up top.
Choo cuts Jordan off. Jordan gets knocked into a tree of woe. Running Dropkick by Choo. Choo works over Jordan. Jordan and Choo clothesline each other at the same time. Both women are down. Jordan fires up and lands a flurry of strikes. Jordan tries a cartwheel and ends up getting German suplexed. Before Choo can follow up, Jordan surprises Choo with a handspring elbow. Tornado DDT by Jordan. Jordan holds on and hits an X-Factor DDT. Choo kicks out! Jordan kicks Choo in the face. Choo sits up. Basement crossbody by Jordan. Choo sits up again. Jordan lays in a few wrist clutch head stomps.
Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (8/27/24)
Frog Splash by Jordan. Choo kicks out. Choo rolls out. Jordan follows but gets tripped on the apron. Suplex by Choo out on the floor. Jordan goes up top. Choo cuts her off. Jordan blocks Choo’s superplex. Choo and Jordan tumble off the top awkwardly. Choo traps Jordan in the Cobra clutch. Jordan starts to fade. Jordan fires up and manages to get to her feet. Choo is forced to break the hold after being driven into the corner by Jordan. Handspring flatliner by Jordan. 450 splash by Jordan. Jordan follows that with the One-of-a-kind Moonsault for the win.
Winner and STILL NXT Women’s North American Champion, Kelani Jordan!
NXT North American Championship Match: Oba Femi (c) vs. Tony D’Angelo w/The D’Angelo Family
Femi and D’Angelo lock up, which leads to a stalemate. D’Angelo double legs Femi and rains down punches. D’Angelo clotheslines Femi over the top, causing both men to fall to the floor. After another flurry, D’Angelo sends Femi back out of the ring with another clothesline. Femi drives D’Angelo into the corner. D’Angelo slips out of a slam from Femi. D’Angelo hits the rope and looks to have sprained his ankle. The referee checks on D’Angelo. Femi decides to lay in a few stomps. D’Angelo pushes Femi into the corner. Femi pounds on D’Angelo’s back.
D’Angelo suplexes Femi. Femi falls into the corner. D’Angelo tries a splash, but Femi catches D’Angelo and launches him across the ring with a suplex. Running elbow strike by Femi. D’Angelo kicks out. Femi works over D’Angelo. D’Angelo catches Femi with a boot. D’Angelo dives off the top and gets caught by Femi. Femi places D’Angelo on the apron. D’Angelo and Femi trade shots. D’Angelo manages to DDT Femi on the apron. Stacks, Luca, and Rizzo cheer D’Angelo on. D’Angelo avoids a clothesline by Femi. Huge overhead throw by D’Angelo. D’Angelo and Femi trade punches.
Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (8/27/24)
D’Angelo wins the exchange and hits Fugitaboutit! Kick out by Femi. D’Angelo sets up a butterfly suplex. Femi escapes and tries a chokeslam. D’Angelo escapes, and both men trade punches. Powerslam by D’Angelo. Electric chair drop by D’Angelo. The fight spills out of the ring. Femi accosts Luca and pulls a crowbar out of his jacket. Stacks tries to step in the way, but Femi tosses him into the timekeeper’s area.
Femi misses his shot and ends up eating the ring steps. D’Angelo avoids a powerbomb. Femi hits a tossing suplex. After a series of reversals, Femi hits his powerbomb! D’Angelo kicks out! Femi tries another powerbomb. D’Angelo rolls out and sends Femi high in the air for a spinebuster. D’Angelo rests in the corner. The Family yells for D’Angelo to finish it. Femi crushes D’Angelo in the corner with a back elbow. Powerbomb by Femi. Instead of going for the pin, Femi hits a sit-out powerbomb for the win.
Winner and STILL NXT North American Champion, Oba Femi!
NXT Women’s Championship Match: Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Jaida Parker
Perez and Parker lock up. Perez goes behind. Parker almost lands a back fist. Perez takes Parker down and poses in her face. Parker does the same takedown and does Perez’s taunt in her face. Perez slaps Parker in the face. Perez tries to run away, but Parker slams her head into the mat. Parker is favoring her taped ribs. Parker sets up her springboard hip attack. Perez rolls out of the ring. Perez trips Parker on the apron. Parker gets to her feet.
Perez tries a dive, but Parker catches her in a fireman’s carry. Parker walks Perez up the steps. Perez slips out and trips Parker on the steps. Parker lands ribs first on the steps. Perez curb stomps Parker’s ribs into the ring steps. Perez works over Parker’s ribs. Parker and Perez trade strikes. Parker rolls up Perez for a near fall. Shotgun dropkick by Perez. Perez sends Parker into the ring post. Perez bow and arrows Parker on the ring steps. Parker screams as Perez continues her assault.
Perez and Parker trade strikes. Perez hits Parker’s springboard hip attack. Parker looks on as Perez high steps. Perez tries a kick, which Parker catches and turns into a sit-out powerbomb. Perez kicks out! Spinebuster by Parker. Perez kicks out again! Perez tries a dive. Parker catches Perez and lays her across the second rope. After a flurry of chops, Parker goes up top and hits a teardrop hip attack. Parker sets up a front suplex but can’t get Perez up. Parker collapses to the mat. Crossface by Perez. Parker gets to her feet and lands a slam.
Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (8/27/24)
Parker misses a Vader Bomb. Perez tries Poprocks, but Parker flicks Perez away. Parker hits Hypnotic, but Perez falls out of the ring. Perez crawls to the barricade. Parker tries Hypnotic out on the floor, but Perez moves. Parker crashes through the barricade. Perez hits Poprocks on the broken piece of the barricade. Perez and Parker are both almost counted out. As both women roll back in to break the count, Perez hits Poprocks for the win.
Winner and STILL NXT Women’s Champion, Roxanne Perez!
After the match, the lights go out, and GIULIA appears. GIULIA walks to the ring as Perez looks on, clutching the NXT Women’s Championship. GIULIA and Perez go face-to-face. Perez holds up the championship as the crowd goes nuts.
NXT Championship Match: “All Ego” Ethan Page (c) vs. Joe Hendry (Special Guest Referee: Trick Williams)
Williams and Page argue before the match starts. Hendry and Page lock up. Page forces Hendry into the corner. Page doesn’t break at Williams’ five count. Williams pulls both men apart. After another lockup, Hendry forces Page into the corner and doesn’t break at five. Williams pulls Hendry away. Williams is calling it down the middle. Page takes Hendry down. Hendry flips out of a head scissors. Page kicks Hendry in the gut. Hendry runs over Page. Hendry lands a delayed suplex for a near fall. Page and Hendry trade pin attempts. Big boot by Page. Page works over Hendry. Page and Hendry fight up top.
Hendry almost sets up a Standing Ovation off the top. Page fights out of it and hits an avalanche powerslam. Hendry kicks out. Page goes back up top. Hendry cuts him off and hits a fallaway slam off the top. Page rolls out of the ring. Hendry lands a stage dive. Before Hendry can send Page back into the ring, Page sends Hendry into the ring steps. Ego’s Edge on the apron by Page. Page rolls back into the ring and demands that Williams count Hendry out. Williams starts the count. Hendry makes it back in by 2.9.
Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (8/27/24)
Page yells at Williams. Hendry hits Page with an Ego’s Edge! Page kicks out! Hendry and Page trade strikes. Page eats a clothesline. Fallaway slam by Hendry. Hendry calls for the Standing Ovation as the crowd claps along and chants they believe. Hendry hits the Standing Ovation. Page’s foot is under the bottom rope. Williams counts but notices Page’s foot, so he stops the count. Hendry gets in Williams’ face. Page pushes Hendry into Williams. Williams is sent careening out of the ring. Page drops Hendry with the Standing Ovation.
Another referee runs down to ring to make the count. Hendry kicks out. Page brings the NXT Championship into the ring. Hendry and Page struggle. Page DDTs Hendry on the championship. Before the new referee can count to three, Williams slides into the ring and stops the new referee’s count. Page takes a swing at Williams. Williams ducks, so Page decks the new referee. As Williams checks on the other referee, Page low blows Hendry and hits the Ego’s Edge. Williams stews as he counts to three.
Winner and STILL NXT Champion, Ethan Page!
After the match, Pete Dunne hops the barricade and attacks Williams. Dunne drops Williams with the Bitter End.
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