‘X-Men’ Star Alexandra Shipp on the Emotional Roller Coaster of Shaving Her Head

X-Men: Apocalypse will be featuring a new Storm — actress Alexandra Shipp. On Monday, we shared part of her sit-down with Yahoo Movies senior editor Kevin Polowy. Shipp said she realized shortly after securing the role of the weather-controlling mutant that she couldn’t just do a Halle Berry impression and that she needed to make the character her own.
Part of that transformation into Storm was shaving her head so she could rock that cool Mohawk. Yahoo Movies asked Shipp how that went down. “They were like, ‘Hey Alex, do you want to shave your head?’ And I was like, ‘Always,’” she shared. “But at the same time I was like, ‘I don’t know what’s underneath [my hair]. There could be some dense, weird mole, 666.’ I don’t know what was under that hair. I was really nervous about it.”
Shipp decided if she was going to shave her head, she was going to have fun doing it. “I was like, if I’m going to shave my head, I’m going to do it with a bang. I had everyone show up to my house, [provide a] giant gallon of vodka, and [bring out] some clippers. I basically had all of my friends shave a little piece of my head. I had a head-shaving party.” As for the vodka, Shipp said, “I had to have a couple of drinks beforehand, because I was like, ‘There goes my femininity, there goes my life. I’m not a woman.’”
Ultimately, Shipp has to come to love her new style and might not go back to longer locks, which looked like this:
“All I have to do is put on some tinted moisturizer and some mascara and I’m like high fashion,” she said of her new routine for reach day. “It was actually a pretty good shaved head, and I was really happy about that because I got brothers, and they look like blow pops.”
Previously, Alexandra Shipp on how she didn’t hear back from Halle Berry:
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