10 Food GIFs to Combat S.A.D.


Credit: Little Plastic Things

No, no, noooo! [said with to you by someone cheery with a finger wagging in your face] Don’t you be like this lady. DON’T YOU LET S.A.D. AFFECT YOU.

As Eatocracy’s Kat Kinsman reports, S.A.D. is a very real thing. And we know that rainbow-colored foods and clementines don’t fix everything. They’re Band-Aids.

But! Band-Aids do patch things up for a bit, and so do chuckles. So, in the name of instant (albeit short-lived) relief, here are ten food- and drink-related GIFs that might make you smile. Because we could all use some of those right about now.


ALL OF THE PANCAKES. (Also: Stacks on Stacks, the name of our first single.) Credit: Food52


A banana, smashed into itty bitty bananas! Credit: Keep Calm and Love Food


What is going to happen every night from now until eternity. Credit: Wreck It Jennica


Angel food cake. Get it?! OMG funneeeee. Credit: Bon Appetit


Pepperoni-oncé. Credit: Pizzv Prvyers


He just wants a little burger. That’s all he wants. Credit: Iconofood


Homer Simpson, thank you for teaching us the most important discoveries of space travel. Zero gravity = gift. Credit: First We Feast


WE ARE NOT ALONE. Credit: Reality TV Gifs


The awesome things about this GIF: a trampolining burger, rainbow colors, light beams. Credit: Burger Lords


Those gals sure were ahead of their time. Credit: Mena Marco