Cucumber-Avocado Smoothie Recipe

We’re sharing a smoothie recipe every day this week. Why? Because it’s January, that first month of the new year when we’re all a little more health-conscious. And because Cindy Palusamy, founder of London juice bar The Juicery, has published a cookbook of over 150 drinkable jolts of wellness (Rizzoli). Called Juice Blend Taste, it features recipes for fruit and vegetable juices, booster shots, smoothies, soups, nut milks, herbal sodas, and teas, culled from over 50 of the world’s top nutrition experts. So sip away!


Illustration: Jessie Kanelos Weiner

Cucumber-Avocado Antiaging Smoothie
from James Duigan, founder, Bodyism
Makes one serving

Wake up with the spicy heat of ginger, which plays nicely off the cool cucumber and creamy, rich avocado. The healthy fats in avocado are anti-inflammatory and help moisturize and boost your skin from within. 

6 inches (15 cm) cucumber
1?2 avocado
1 stalk celery
Small squeeze fresh lemon juice
Small handful greens of choice, such as spinach or kale
1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger
Filtered water as needed

Blend all the ingredients together, adding water as needed to achieve the desired consistency. Serve immediately, blended with ice, poured over ice cubes, or at room temperature with no ice.

More healthy drink recipes:

Supercharge your breakfast smoothie with coconut oil

This green smoothie will cure your headache

Green juice brands to try

Do you make smoothies at home?