Office Iced Coffee Keg: The Best Thing to Happen at Work, Ever?
Photo credit: Joyride Coffee Distributors/Facebook
There’s nothing quite like an edible job perk. The Google kids glug sparkling water to their hearts’ content. Facebook employees chow down on free fancy lunches such as lemongrass-beef rice noodle bowls and grilled chicken tikka. Here at Yahoo, we also get free lunch (there is such a thing!) but a new arrival at Twitter, Buzzfeed, Gilt, and Gawker is inspiring workplace envy—kegerators of iced coffee.
Yes, machines that dispense iced coffee on tap.
They’re made by New York–based company Joyride, which brothers David, Adam, and Noah Belanich founded in 2010. According to Joyride’s website, the coffee is made with a “brewed-to-order, Latin based, cold brew concentrate" that’s "smooth [and] chocolaty [but] lacks typical coffee-like acidity.”
Remember, cold-brewed coffee isn’t just hot-brewed coffee with some ice cubes plunked in it (although we’ve tried experimenting with that sort of thing). The process requires no heat at all: Coffee grounds steep in room-temperature water overnight, yielding a flavorful, lower-acidity brew.
"People drink coffee in three places—home, work and a cafe," Adam recently explained to The New York Post. “[But] you can only get good coffee in two of those places.” Good point.
Check out the iced coffee kegerator in action at Gilt headquarters, courtesy of a Vine posted by former Gilt software engineer Adam Kaplan. (He’s at Yahoo these days, incidentally.)
Experiencing the symptoms of under-caffeinated jealousy yet? Us, too.
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