Why Hot Fudge Doesn't Belong on a Sundae
Warm summer weather begs for a cool ice cream treat, but sometimes just a plain ole’ scoop doesn’t cut it — sometimes only a classic hot fudge sundae will do. But here’s the thing: Hot fudge doesn’t belong on a sundae.
“Wait!” you’re probably saying, “It’s not a hot fudge sundae without that drizzle of hot fudge on top!” And you’re completely right. In my opinion, though, hot fudge belongs on the side.
What is this heresy, you ask? Just hear me out. My husband, a self-professed lover of all things ice cream and hot fudge related, always orders a hot fudge sundae. Sometimes we share one, but one day I asked if we could get hot fudge on the side instead since I wasn’t in a chocolate mood.
Once we did that, we never turned back. Even when my husband is eating his own sundae, he asks for the hot fudge on the side, and here’s why:
Hot fudge is hot! This is not a genius observation by any means, but hot fudge starts melting the ice cream way too quickly, turning the sundae into a soupy mess. That nice contrast of warm and cold is gone.
Hot fudge is usually not evenly distributed. While some ice cream parlors smartly layer ice cream and hot fudge, most places just do a drizzle on top. Gorgeous, but by the time you get to the bottom of the dish, it’s mostly just melted ice cream left.
Getting a little dish of hot fudge on the side has solved these problems. We usually drizzle a spoonful at a time on top of the ice cream as we eat away, or I sometimes dip my spoon in the fudge before getting my next spoonful of ice cream. The hot fudge says warm, the ice cream stays cold, and the sundae pretty much tastes the same from beginning to the end.
Give hot fudge on the side a try — what’s the worst that can happen?
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