4 Foam Roller Exercises to Burn Fat and Reduce Cellulite
Outside of cellulite-reducing foam roller exercises, her book offers ways to decelerate the aging process and help you drop 20 pounds or more. Within its pages, you’ll get look-younger, feel-younger tips from nine “Life Stylists” (read: health and wellness gurus) including mindfulness and meditation expert Gabrielle Bernstein, trainer Rachel Cosgrove, nutritionist Keri Glassman, MS, RD., and dermatologist Francesca Fusco, MD. Why 20 pounds? The average American woman weighs 166 pounds. Losing 20 would not only make her feel more confident about her body, but also help her sleep better, make her workouts feel easier, improve her sex life—and even make her brain act “younger”, according to some research (find out the best exercise for your memory).
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