Getting Into This Habit Will Make You Appear More Confident

After all, you only get one shot at a good first impression. (Photo: Getty Images)

Confidence is key to getting what you want in business and life.

It’s a way of being that takes practice, dedication, and perseverance. It’s not something you’re born with; it’s a learned skill.

There are a million little things that contribute to a confident way of being, most of which aren’t even noticed by the majority of people. If someone is creepy or inauthentic, no one tells them. It’s something we all have to discover ourselves through the feedback we receive, which is usually non-verbal.

But here’s the thing: Exploring this subject is crucially important to achieving greatness. That’s why I talked to my good friend Jordan Harbinger, who is a confidence expert and the man behind The Art of Charm, a service to teach men killer relationship skills.

When I talked to Jordan, I asked him if there was a simple practice or tip he could give to help anyone increase their confidence daily without requiring them to do something superhuman.

He gave me an awesome one. As Jordan explained, your beliefs influence your actions, which influence your results. So if you want to change your results, you need to change your beliefs about yourself.

Related: 9 Confidence-Building Moves

The easiest way to do this is to get new evidence about how you are perceived (instead of hanging onto the sixth-grade image of yourself with no friends).

Body language is huge in communicating to other people that you are confident. Your mindset is always communicated through your body language — so the key to nailing body language is the proper mindset.

Posture is one of the loudest-talking pieces of body language. Confident people stand up straight and keep their chins up. Jordan suggests practicing this posture adjustment every time you walk through a doorway. Not only will you have ample practice throughout your day to do this exercise, but you will naturally adjust to confident body posture when you enter a new social setting as well.

As Jordan points out, you make a first impression when people first see you, not when you first see them. If you practice the simple doorway posture adjustment every day, the next time you are making a first impression as you walk through the door, you’ll nail the body language of confidence.

For more of Jordan’s incredibly helpful tips and insight on building confidence in relationships, listen below:

Visit here for more on my conversation with Jordan.


ABOUT LEWIS HOWES: Lewis is a pro-athlete turned lifestyle entrepreneur who hosts the top-ranked podcast The School of Greatness. He interviews the best and brightest minds in health, entrepreneurship, relationships and lifestyle. Follow Lewis on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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