How To Keep Excuses From Holding You Back From Happiness

Here’s some expert advice to break through the negative beliefs and embrace your potential. (Photo: Getty Images)

Kyle Maynard was born with no arms and no legs — and has lived his life without excuses, even though he has every right to make them.

Not only is he a remarkable athlete who challenges himself in ways that are almost unimaginable, he is also the quintessential role model for overcoming obstacles and becoming your best self.

According to Kyle, excuses are not real reasons to avoid doing things that could propel you forward. He explains that humans have a tendency to create fear based on what others say and from our own internal dialogue.

Instead, ask yourself:

“What is real?”

“What are the real reasons I am incapable of doing something?”

Are there real reasons I am incapable of doing that thing? Or is it just me holding myself back?” 

Once you break through those negative beliefs, there’s no stopping or turning back. It’s a powerful feeling. There are several steps you can take to do so, the first being: Define your purpose and what you want for your life. If you are unhappy with your job, or if you are unhappy with your home, define what would make you happy by asking yourself, “What would I want to do with my life if I knew I could not fail?”

Then, pick one thing right now — one “excuse” that is keeping you from doing exactly that — and change it. This step will help you overcome other excuses keeping you from reaching your highest human potential, whether it’s ending a relationship, moving to a new city, or losing 30 pounds. Whatever that is, it’s a sacrifice — and a commitment — because it’s not going to be easy sailing the whole way. You have to know why you want that for your life. It shouldn’t be for the fancy car or the big house. There is a deeper level, a gut feeling, that sometimes you can’t even explain.

And that is why you have to give up your excuses. If you let them limit you, you are holding yourself back from your purpose in life.

For my full conversation with Kyle, listen below:

For more on Kyle, click here.


ABOUT LEWIS HOWES: Lewis is a pro-athlete turned lifestyle entrepreneur who hosts the top-ranked podcast The School of Greatness. He interviews the best and brightest minds in health, entrepreneurship, relationships and lifestyle. Follow Lewis on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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