The Better Sex Workout

Try these 10 moves to feel better in your body and turn up the heat between the sheets.

1. Goddess Pose


“Goddess pose releases tension in the lower nerve plexus, which can translate into blocks around sexuality, basic survival, and security,” says Lynn Anderson, Ph.D., creator of Aero*Boga? and author of Sex Matters So…Get Healthy The Natural Way.

How to: Sit with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lean back, bringing palms under lower back for support as you gently lowering yourself to the ground on elbows. Arch back and drop head and shoulders back. Hold for 3 deep breaths.

2. Butterfly


"The butterfly strengthens the muscles of the pelvis, and strong pelvic wall muscles improve sexual pleasure for both men and women," Anderson says.

How to: Lie flat on back with knees bent, feet flat on floor, and both arms extended by sides, palms facing down. Gently open knees to sides and bring soles of feet together. Inhale and imagine your breath moving down your spine and into your pelvis. Exhale and pull knees back together, squeezing inner thighs until knees touch. Do 8 reps. (Make things even hotter with these 7 Tips for a Better Orgasm.)

3. Pelvic Lift


Strengthen your thrusting and pushing muscles in your hips and buttocks with the pelvic lift, and you’ll enhance sex, Anderson says.

How to: Lie flat on back with knees bent, feet flat on floor about hip-width apart, and both arms extended by sides, palms facing down. Lift pelvis off the floor and press hips as high as possible, squeezing buttocks. Hold for 1 count, then slowly release hips back down to the floor. Do 8 reps. (Engaging your pelvic floor is just one of our 20 Tricks to Get Tight, Toned Abs Faster.)

4. Leg Extension


Anderson says leg extensions work to open and energize the sex nerves that run up and down the inner part of the thigh.

How to: Sit with legs extended straight in front of you. Lean back, bringing palms under lower back for support as you gently lowering yourself to the ground on elbows. Point toes and, pressing legs together, bring knees into chest. Inhale and straighten legs back out, parallel to (but not touching) the floor. Exhale, open legs wide to the sides in a straddle position then fold knees back into chest. Repeat this pattern (out, open, in) for 1 minute.

5. Arm Extension


Arm extensions strengthen the arms and shoulder muscles that are used in a variety of intimate positions, including hugging and woman-on-top. They also create pressure on the nerves around the neck and shoulders, releasing feel-good endorphins in your brain—and these hormones help enhance your sexual mood, Anderson says.

How to: Sit with legs crossed and back straight. Extend both arms out to the sides at shoulder height and slightly behind your body, and make “thumbs up” signs with hands. On inhale, roll thumbs forward toward the floor without lowering arms. Exhale and point thumbs straight up. Inahle again, pointing thumbs away and behind you. Exhale and point thumbs straight up. That’s 1 rep. Do 8 reps.

6. Bound Pose


Bound pose works to stretch the sex nerve, which runs up and down the inside of your thigh, Anderson says. “If the sex nerve is tight, a person may become overly obsessed or averse to sex.” Sounds like a good reason to stretch!

How to: Sit and bring soles of feet together. Place hands on toes and pull feet in toward pelvis as you push pelvis forward. Drop head toward chest, and rest arms on thighs. Hold for 3 deep breaths.

7. Cobra Pose


Cobra strengthens the long muscles of the back and those between the shoulder blades, and it brings flexibility to the thoracic area, which stiffens with age, Anderson says. “A strong back and a flexible chest enhance sexual movement and various positions.” (Cobra is also one of 10 Yoga Poses for a Strong Back.)

How to: Lie facedown on the floor. Bend elbows and place hands in front of shoulders. Keeping elbows slightly bent, press body away from the floor, lifting from lower back up through shoulders. At the top of the extension, tilt head back and look up toward ceiling. Pause, and release back to the floor. Do 8 reps.

8. Pelvic Squeeze


Pelvic squeezes strengthen the walls of the pelvic floor, which allows for a tighter “grip” and a more satisfying sexual experience, Anderson says.

How to: Stand with feet about hip-width apart, knees slightly bent. Place hands on top of thighs. On inhale, squeeze between legs and pull up into the pelvic floor and lower abdomen (imagine you are trying to stop the flow of urine, and draw abdominals in at the same time). Release as you exhale. Do 8 reps.

9. Pelvic Pulse


Strengthen “thrusting” muscles in the lower back, hips, and lower abs with the pelvic pulse, Anderson says. “Strong muscles create strong thrusting and, well, we all know how good it feels to thrust!”

How to: Stand with feet about hip-width apart, knees slightly bent. Place hands on buttocks. Push hips forward and tighten glutes and abdominal muscles, thrusting forward with hips. Release. Do 8 reps.

10. Mountain Pose


In addition to improving balance and posture, mountain pose also calms your mind. “Nothing says sexy like focused balance and good posture—both give a sense of confidence, the greatest aphrodisiac of all,” Anderson says.

How to: Stand with feet together, arms by sides, pushing firmly into the floor to straighten legs. Draw abdominal muscles in, lift up through chest, and roll shoulders back. Lift chin slightly and close eyes. Take a deep breath, then exhale. Repeat for up to 1 minute. (For a different take on sex and exercise, see The 16 Most Awkwardly Sexual Exercises.)

By Jessica Smith for

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