You'll Be Surprised How Many People Sleep With Their Exes (Or Maybe Not)
Your marriage might be over — but your sex-capades together aren’t? A new survey shows that sex with an ex-spouse is relatively common. (Photo: Stocksy)
A couple’s relationship after a divorce can take many forms. Some manage to remain friends — or at least friendly. Others treat each other with the disdain of honey badgers fed a steady diet of agitated bees.
A new survey reveals a surprising additional category: exes with benefits. More than 25 percent of divorced people admitted to having sex with their ex after they separated, according to the results.
Bravo commissioned the survey of more than 1,000 married and divorced adults. The results, released today (Nov. 30), coincide with the season premier of “Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce” on Dec. 1.
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Overall, the survey findings show that divorce can be a positive experience — even aside from the breakup sex, that is.
About 85 percent of divorced people said they eventually viewed their divorce as a positive. And women primarily reported feeling relieved, hopeful, and confident immediately after the split.
In the “no surprise there” department, 40 percent of people said the best part of divorce was being able to have sex with new partners. We’re curious what Gwen and Blake would say about that one.
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