Alex Bregman

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    Yahoo News

    What Is the Freedom Caucus?

    President Trump continues to blame a small group within his own party for scuttling one of his primary campaign promises: repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act. When congressional Republicans gathered at a retreat in Hershey, Pa., two years ago, nine House members met secretly to hatch a plan to buck the establishment and push their more-conservative agenda. Its?official mission statement reads, in part, that it?will?“support open, accountable and limited government, the Constitution

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    Bianna Golodryga

    Hillary Clinton supporter Rep. Steve Israel: ‘Donald Trump is the Republican Party’

    On Thursday, Democratic Congressman Steve Israel joined Alexis Christoforous on “Yahoo News Live” to discuss his support for Hillary Clinton, her path to the nomination and, as the former chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, how Donald Trump’s candidacy will impact the down-ballot elections in November. Does he think Clinton will ultimately be the nominee, despite Bernie Sanders’ continued presence in the race?

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    Bianna Golodryga

    Huckabee and O’Malley on a divided nation and the 2016 race for the White House

    Former Govs. Mike Huckabee and Martin O'Malley talk about the election, the Revolution and Triumph the Insult Dog with Bianna Golodryga on “Yahoo News Live.”

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    Katie Couric

    Arianna Huffington thinks Donald Trump needs more sleep

    World-renown author, columnist, co-founder, and Editor in Chief of the Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington is a very busy and productive person. Her secret to success and happiness: Sleep. Yahoo Global News Anchor Katie Couric catches up with Huffington to discuss her new book, The Sleep Revolution, why sleep is so essential to her success and where she finds the time to fit it all in.

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    Katie Couric

    Contested conventions explained

    Donald Trump may be the Republican frontrunner, but it isn’t clear yet whether he’ll be able to lock up the nomination before the Republican National Convention this July.

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    Katie Couric

    Gerrymandering explained

    As we get closer to the 2016 presidential elections there’s a word you’re probably going to hear a lot: “gerrymandering.

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