Brian Prowse Gany

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    Yahoo News

    ‘Cannabis Has Made Me a Better Parent’: One Mom’s Confession

    Postpartum depression (PPD) affects one in nine new mothers. Hours after the birth, cradling her new baby girl in her arms, Behar believed she had dodged the bullet. What followed was what Behar describes as despair: uncontrollable fits of crying, thoughts of hurting herself, and eventually the upsetting realization that she was experiencing postpartum depression.

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    Yahoo News

    Cannabis Gives 4-Year-Old a Shot at Life After Family's Cross-Country Move

    Maggie Selmeski, 4, and her family are "medical marijuana refugees," as they came to Colorado from Tennessee in pursuit of pot. It is the only effective treatment for Maggie's epilepsy, which can cause 500 seizures a day.

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    Yahoo News

    The family that smokes together

    It was Thanksgiving afternoon in Madison, Conn., four years ago, and the Cecchi family was getting ready for dinner. Just before the turkey was served, Paige Cecchi, then an 18-year-old college freshman, gave her older sister, Lauren, “the look,” Paige remembers. “Then we realized Dad had caught ‘the look,’” she says of her father, Mike, who is now 66.

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    Yahoo News

    After 7 years in prison, a small-time pot grower will reunite with his daughter

    Corrina Fields, a second-grader, sent former President Barack Obama a letter last year outlining all the things she wanted to do with her dad if he got out of prison. On his last day in the White House, the president granted Corrina her wish, including her father, Paul, among the 310 drug offenders who received clemency as he prepared to leave office. In his two terms, Obama pardoned or commuted the sentences of nearly 2,000 people, mainly nonviolent drug offenders, who he believed were servin

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