The #1 Changed I Noticed When I Added Electrolyte Packets to My Water for a Week

Water with electrolytes added

Whenever I drink a lot of water at once, I end up feeling bloated and even a little woozy. Luckily, I am someone who loves the taste of water (don't hate me) and tends to sip on it throughout the day. When I get really busy or stressed out, though, I'm definitely guilty of not eating enough food or drinking enough water.

This leads to feelings of lightheadedness and headaches, among other common dehydration symptoms. When the first week of January hit and work was back in full swing, I noticed I wasn't feeling great and quickly realized I was dehydrated. I tried to remind myself to drink more water, but even when I felt like I was, I still didn't feel great.

Related: Here's How Drinking Water Actually Impacts Weight Loss, According to Registered Dietitians

So I decided to think out of the box with my hydration efforts and buy electrolyte packets. As someone who only drinks water and coffee, this was a bold move for me—I've never been one for sports drinks or Vitamin Water, so I had a hard time believing these little packets would make it a difference. But I wanted to feel better, so I decided to try.

The #1 Change I Noticed After Adding Electrolyte Packets to My Water for a Week

I've been working in the health and wellness industry for over a decade now, so I'm wary of calling any product a "miracle," but for me, these electrolyte products were.

While they don't taste great, at least to me (the type I used has stevia in them, which is not my cup of tea), the first thing I noticed was that my daily headache subsided. Then I started noticing I had more energy, and any lightheadedness became a thing of the past. I became a lot more productive and happier, probably because after weeks of feeling like crap, I finally felt like myself again.

Related: The #1 Change I Noticed When I Ate Dark Chocolate Every Day for a Week

Other Changes I Noticed While Using Electrolyte Packets

The very quick conclusion of my dehydration symptoms was hands down the best and most obvious change I noticed from adding electrolyte packets to my water, but it wasn't the only difference.

Other changes included:

Stronger workouts

This is probably isn't a groundbreaking point for most people since electrolytes are known to boost athletic performance. There's a reason why Gatorade is a $5 billion dollar brand, after all. But I was genuinely surprised by how much stronger my runs and even yoga classes were when I added one electrolyte packet to one glass of water every day. A little goes a long way when it comes to endurance!

Related: Should You Drink Water Throughout the Day or All At Once?

Fewer hangovers

I'm at a point in my life where even one glass of wine interrupts my sleep and can make me feel a little hungover the next day. I doubt electrolyte packets can cure a hangover induced by a night of tequila shots, but for me, drinking a glass of water with electrolytes in it right before bed after having a glass of wine helped me sleep better and left me feeling refreshed the next morning.

Increased happiness

Because I felt better while adding electrolyte packets to my water, I was also happier. It's easy to feel down when you're battling a headache and dealing with dizzy spells, so the relief of not dealing with these things increased my happiness quite a bit.

After my week on electrolytes, I decided not to order another package of them—they're expensive, after all, and I don't love the taste. Luckily, I've been having an easier time drinking water and my dehydration symptoms haven't come back yet, which makes me think maybe those electrolyte packets helped replenish my body and break the vicious cycle my body was in.

So, if you're not feeling your best, give electrolyte packets a try. They may just be a game-changer!

Next up: The #1 Change I Noticed When I Ate Cottage Cheese Every Day for a Week