10 Content Creators To Follow If You Have ADHD
Living with ADHD isn't easy, and finding a community and people who understand can be hard too. These content creators help, whether it's by talking about their experience with ADHD or creating ADHD-friendly (read: easy to stay focused on) content.
1.Jarvis Johnson
YouTuber Jarvis Johnson has been vocal about his ADHD in his videos and on his podcast, Sad Boyz, which he cohosts with Jordan Adika (this particular episode with Drew Gooden is a must-listen). Watching his Twitch streams and the videos on not just his main channel, but also his Gold and Live channels, are incredibly gratifying, because he doesn't try to mask his ADHD; he lets his mind jump around unapologetically. It also makes his content easily digestible for those of us with ADHD and limited attention spans. And past all that, his content is great and he's kind and hilarious.
2.Pina (ADHD Alien)
3.Kate (@katesearly)
Many times, I've found myself a little too hyper-focused on watching TikToks, only to successfully be slowed down by one of user @katesearly's live study sessions, which is how I learned about body doubling. Kate plays calming music, creates a peaceful environment, and answers questions about her study setup and ADHD tips. She also has tours of her apartment that showcase ADHD-friendly organization tips and knick-knacks, which I've found helpful, as well as many others, according to the comment sections on her videos. As a pediatric nurse practitioner and med student, she also offers medical insights into ADHD and presents them in an easy-to-understand way.
4.Youngmi Mayer
Comedian Youngmi Mayer has a very ADHD-friendly TikTok page, including day-in-the-life videos about being a single mom living with ADHD, cooking with ADHD, going out to eat with other ADHD friends, and more. Youngmi's somewhat scattered nature in her TikToks, including fun shopping ones, are easy to keep focus on since they jump around from product to product and document all the distractions.
5.Dani Donovan (ADHD Comics)
6.Jessica McCabe (How to ADHD)
Jessica McCabe has built a large platform on YouTube talking about ADHD, and for good reason. Her channel offers a wide range of easy-to-follow informative content about ADHD, a "tool box" of tips and tricks for day-to-day life with ADHD, and possibly most importantly, vulnerable stories about her personal experiences with ADHD. This video about the difficulty of getting treatment for ADHD is one that hits home for a lot of people, myself included.
7.ADHD Designer
8.My ADHD Diary
@myadhddiary When I heard this, so much in my head fell into place. Hope it does for you too! #adhd #adhdtiktok #adultadhd #fyp #adhdprobs
? original sound - MyADHDdiary
Jay was diagnosed with ADHD pretty late in life and uses his TikTok to document his adjustment to living with an ADHD diagnosis, including understanding his brain better, being kinder to himself, and finding the right meds for him, which anyone who has been treated for ADHD knows can be a long struggle. His content is inspiring, real, and a reminder to be gentle with ourselves.
9.Rene? Brooks (Black Girl Lost Keys)
10.Jenn Has ADHD
If I missed any ADHD content creators you love, let me know in the comments!
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