11 Sulfate-Free Shampoos That Don't Feel Like a Compromise
When you hear about beauty products being x, y, or z "free," it's fine to not exactly know why you're avoiding said ingredient. And oftentimes the science behind those claims can be a little wishy-washy. (Dairy-free nail polish, anyone?) Sulfates are a little more black and white. They're in shampoos to help them lather up, unfortunately, with the side effect of stripping the hair shaft of all that's good - dye, oils, and natural protectants. Ones that are formulated without sulfate might not suds as much, but they'll also leave hair perfectly clean and much less damaged over time, especially if your hair is color treated or curly. And some still manage to suds all the same; all our favorites, ahead.
All the suds, none of the stripping.