18 Self-Help Books That’ll Skyrocket Your Confidence
The longest relationship you'll ever have is with yourself, so you might as well make it a good one. Having a positive view of yourself, or high self-esteem, isn't just important for keeping a sunny outlook on the world — it can actually impact your health. While having low self-esteem isn't categorized as a mental health condition in and of itself, it has been linked to mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. It's also a risk factor for addiction and isolating yourself from meaningful relationships.
Fortunately, if you're getting down on yourself, there are ways you can pump up the self-love. Therapy can help, as can instituting and following a healthy lifestyle like getting regular exercise and eating a balanced and healthful diet. But some of us (especially the bookworms in the crowd) can also benefit from reading books about self-love that reassure you that you're worth it. Below, you'll find some of the best picks on the market to help you heal, find your voice and really learn how to love yourself. These are different from the best self-help books, but you'll see some common themes.
And once you've added these to your TBR pile, there's lots more where that came from. Try one of our favorite relationship books if yours needs a little TLC, books about friendship to remind yourself why we all need BFFs, or our feel-good book club for a warm hug in book form.
The Dial Press
No self-love book list would be complete without the powerhouse Glennon Doyle. This is a memoir about how one woman started living unapologetically for herself and in so doing, showed her children and the world around her how to be authentically alive — and it's also a rallying cry to help you do the same.
This guided journal from the poet and memoirist Maggie Smith comes out of her own writing practice that helped remind her to be gentle with herself, especially during hard times. As Smith puts it, “I wasn’t offering wisdom from on high; I was talking to myself at the bottom of a dark well, trying to climb up into the light, little by little, day by day.”
Berrett-Koehler Publishers
Activist and poet Sonya Renee Taylor offers ways to understand the origins and liberate yourself from body-shame. Model Tess Holliday said the book, "Is essential reading for those of us who crave understanding and those who are already on the path to learning how beautiful and complex our bodies are."
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Simon & Schuster
If the subtitle to this one doesn't make you want to read it, nothing we say is going to either. But if the brain that brought us Grey's Anatomy (among many others) can spend a year saying yes, the rest of us can definitely learn a thing or two from this recounting of what happened when she did.
This book isn't about quick fixes, empty platitudes or easy solutions. It's about setting yourself on a path toward changing — because if there's one thing that's certain in this world, it's uncertainty. It's for anyone who wants to embrace self-love, in everything that embodies.
It's so easy to get stuck in survival mode, just getting through one day, then the next, then the next, on and on until forever. This collection of lessons, reflections and exercises helps you break out of unhelpful patterns and get started on the path toward our best selves.
Chronicle Books
If you're the kind of person who's convinced you have a brain tumor every time you get a headache (guilty as charged) this book will help you dial that down and remind yourself that you're just fine as you are.
Ulysses Press
Boost your self-esteem, realize (and embrace) your worth and learn how to identify and enact goals that are uniquely yours with this insightful workbook. It's got interactive activities, actionable advice and thoughtful prompts to help lead you down the path toward self-love.
Running Press Adult
World-famous life coach Jen Sincero offers how-to tips on ending self-sabotage and designing a life that you want. If you like Sincero's style of advice, you can move on to You Are A Badass Every Day, or You Are A Badass at Making Money.
If you're new to the idea of self-love and need a road map to follow, Shannon Kaiser's 15 principles of self-love will get you started down the right path. Kaiser is an international life coach and speaker who was named one of the "top 100 women to watch in wellness" by Mind Body Green.
This interactive journal offers exercises that'll help you determine where you are in your self-love journey and guide you along the way. Find uplifting prompts like, "List five things that always, and immediately, bring a smile to your face." Go ahead, treat yourself to a fancy new pen for writing in it.
Hay House Inc.
So often our self-worth gets wrapped up in our romantic relationships. The writers of this book, who studied Christian mysticism and Buddhism respectively, offer a spiritually-focused way to untangle the two.
Hay House UK
If you're more of a facts-and-figures person, check out this book by David R. Hamilton, a scientist who worked in the pharmaceutical industry for four years before becoming interested in the biology of self-love. He delved into biochemistry and neuroscience research and developed 27 exercises meant to reprogram the brain.
Hay House Inc.
Gala Darling has been teaching self-love for more than a decade, and she's put her findings into a book that comes with homework assignments to keep you accountable for your own self-love goals. Before the book, she was one of the co-founders of The Blogcademy, so she also offers insights into her path to success.
If you need your advice in more of the hard-talk, straight-truth mode, author Gary John Bishop pulls no punches when telling you how to get out of your own way. Bishop, who grew up in Glasgow, Scotland, describes his brand of self-help as more of an "urban philosophy" approach.
Seal Press
This book gives you one small thing to do each day — Keep a master list of joys! Stop comparing yourself to others! — that, taken together, make up a 365-day plan for self-love. Each task is quick, so you have no excuse not to work on yourself.
Greenleaf Book Group Press
Bruce Alan Kehr, M.D., an award-winning psychiatrist who's been in practice for 40 years, has seen it all throughout his career. His book focuses more on overcoming past pain as a way to build up your self-esteem.
That voice in your head, giving you all of your self-doubts? That's your inner mean girl, and author/speaker Melissa Ambrosini tells you how to get her to quiet down. And if Amrbosini's advice resonates with you, you can also check out her podcast, which covers topics like "Be Thankful for the Small Stuff" and "Choose Love and Joy."
18 Self-Help Books That’ll Skyrocket Your Confidence
The longest relationship you'll ever have is with yourself, so you might as well make it a good one. Having a positive view of yourself, or high self-esteem, isn't just important for keeping a sunny outlook on the world — it can actually impact your health. While having low self-esteem isn't categorized as a mental health condition in and of itself, it has been linked to mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. It's also a risk factor for addiction and isolating yourself from meaningful relationships.
Fortunately, if you're getting down on yourself, there are ways you can pump up the self-love. Therapy can help, as can instituting and following a healthy lifestyle like getting regular exercise and eating a balanced and healthful diet. But some of us (especially the bookworms in the crowd) can also benefit from reading books about self-love that reassure you that you're worth it. Below, you'll find some of the best picks on the market to help you heal, find your voice and really learn how to love yourself. These are different from the best self-help books, but you'll see some common themes.
And once you've added these to your TBR pile, there's lots more where that came from. Try one of our favorite relationship books if yours needs a little TLC, books about friendship to remind yourself why we all need BFFs, or our feel-good book club for a warm hug in book form.
The longest relationship you'll ever have is with yourself. Keep it on a positive note with these self-love books.
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