12 Things Nobody Should Ever Put On Their Car, And 7 Things They Absolutely Should
2 min read
1. You should definitely put this on your rear windshield:
It's just so friendly!
2. I wouldn't recommend this many nipple references on your car, though:
3. Nor would I recommend this particular bumper sticker:
4. This license plate–tongue combo is super cute:
5. And so are these custom buttons:
6. But — speaking of ludicrous speed — this tailgate paint job might be too much:
7. I approve of this slightly self-deprecating window sticker:
It's cheeky! It's fun!
8. However, this one — regardless of how funny it may be — is not recommended. Because, ya know, safety:
9. I also wouldn't recommend using a bunch of screaming rubber chickens as a bumper protector:
10. Pretty sure this car covered in dolls is also a safety hazard:
11. And please, don't cover your car in — *shudder* — dentures:
12. Maybe just go for a punny bumper sticker instead that plays off your car's model name:
13. Personally, I'm a fan of this one:
14. While I love a cartoon reference, this paint job is a little loud:
This Spongebob car from ATBGE
15. And this one is...well, I feel like you're just saying a lot about yourself here:
16.Speaking of saying a lot about yourself, the owner of the car would love for you to think that they have a lot of sex, which means they probably don't:
u/jhg0325 / Via reddit.com
I mean............ick:
17.No comment here:
u/boundfortrees / Via reddit.com