12 Ways Pool Noodles Are Totally Awesome Outside the Pool
12 Ways Pool Noodles Are Totally Awesome Outside the Pool
Trust us, you're about to love these floating toys just as much as your kids already do.
Create a Wreath Form
All you have to do is tape the two ends together to create a circle that's just begging to be turned into a festive decoration. Here, plaid fabric and leaves turn a formerly blue toy into a stylish statement.
Stop Doors From Slamming
Using a saw (carefully!), slice the length of a pool noodle, then slide it over the edge of your door. This super simple DIY will protect fingers and ears alike — and prevent little ones from being woken up by accident.
Help Your Boots Keep Their Shape
Keep your boots standing tall (even in the summer season) with these DIY boot stuffers. Here, fabric covers the neon colors and an adorable pom pom is the cherry on top top. But don't worry: You can just as easily use an undecorated noodle for this hack.
Keep Your Cards Close
In this case, flash cards stay organized in a savvy holder. But this hack is also handy for playing cards — especially for kiddos with small hands.
Make Bathtime More Fun
All you need to create a bathtub wall that allows your children to use their, err, noodles while washing up are a few pool toys, funnels, and tape — just don't be surprised when your kids beg you to stay in the bath much longer.
Corral Cute Headbands
When covered in a cute pink fabric, these cylinder-shaped soft toys become the ultimate organizer for both hard and soft headbands alike.
Make a Soft Playhouse
No sharp edges here! You'll love knowing your kids are safe even when they're rough housing in their indoor tent. This blogger used a little tape to secure sides, which also means the tear down will be a breeze.
Create a Beverage Boat
OK, this still involves the pool, but in a totally different way. Here, pool noodles become an adult toy, because they help beers and other party beverages stay within reach — no climbing out of the water necessary.
Cover Springs on a Trampoline
If you have an old-school trampoline, it might not have come with protective material over the springs. But the good news is this DIY version is affordable and colorful — so your kids will love the bright materials that's keeping them safe while they jump.
Craft Some Rustic Decor
Can you believe these birch tree logs used to be neon pool toys? Brown paper and paint give these summery floaties a brand new purpose during the cold winter months.
Mark Guest's Drinks
The hollow interior makes the shape of this pool toy perfect for skinny wine glass stems — just snip the side so you can slide the colorful marker on and off with ease.
Float Votives on Water
Who knew these silly toys could be translated into romance with a little ingenuity? Just line the bottom of LED tea lights with saran wrap, squeeze 'em into the hollow center, and you're all set.
Pin These Ideas!
You wouldn't want to forget to noodle on (har har) these genius hacks at home.
Trust us, you're about to love these floating toys just as much as your kids already do.