13 Single Edge Razors That Are Better Than DE Razors
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Chances are you’ve heard of double edge razors. They win accolades and airy fairy titles that have folks oohing and aahing over them. But have you heard of their slimmer brethren—the single edge razor?
While single edge razors aren’t as wildly popular as their double edged brothers, they’re still top-notch (and sometimes even superior) razors that can cut a close shave. We’re talking right next to the skin.
If you’re stroking your hairless face thinking, “Nah, I’m fine. I’ll stick to my double edge razor,” we’ve got a thing or two you may want to hear. First, how and why are single edge razors superior in many instances? We thought you’d never ask.
Single edge razors cut closer to the skin, which can prevent ingrown hairs and other types of irritation. They also have a thicker blade that makes it easier to slice through hair like butter and cut the learning curve in half. It’s easy to pick up a razor with a single edge and learn how to wield it from your first shave.
So, what’s holding you back from making the switch?
1. Supply The Single Edge SE
Make shaving simple with The Single Edge SE, the most innovative single edge razor in 2023. If you’re making the leap and switching from five-blade cartridge-style razors you buy at the grocery store, you need a safety razor with little to no learning curve.
With this hidden gem from Supply, you can jump right into shaving with a single edge razor. The blade comes equipped with everything you need to start shaving—sans shaving cream. The razor has its own invention, NickStop? Technology, which reduces nicks and cuts by 75%, meaning it’s perfect for everyone, even beginners.
The Single Edge SE comes with one Black Label Blade Pack that’s loaded with eight sharp, hair-slicing blades. The blades are just as important as the razor itself. Black Label Blades are twice as thick as standard double edge or multi-blades, which means they’ll last twice as long. Each blade is crafted in Japan from high-carbon stainless steel and has a chromium and PTFE coating. Trust us, that’s the blade material you want to get up close and personal with your skin.
Each pack of blades comes with Supply’s state-of-the-art blade-loading tech, the QuickLoad? cartridge. It offers a hands-free loading (and unloading) process for the single edge blades, so you never have to touch the samurai-sharp beauties.
The Single Edge SE is the number one, most innovative single edge razor in 2023, and we recommend it to anyone shaver, new or old, who wants to experience the best.
2. Supply The Single Edge Pro
While The Single Edge SE is the perfect “starter” safety razor with a single edge blade, the The Single Edge Pro is an upgrade that will elevate you to an expert. It’s the move you make when you want to go from a “basic shave” to a completely customizable experience with a razor you can trust.
The Single Edge Pro safety razor has a streamlined shave dial with six main settings and 30 micro-settings. We know that’s a whole lotta personalization for a closer, better shave. To make it even more customizable, there are four colors: matte black, jet black, classic matte, and mirror polish.
The Pro model also comes with a pack of Black Label Blades that promise to smoothly serenade your face and whisk away your whiskers without irritation. The razor also has a clog-free design, so you don’t have to worry about a blocked razor head cramping your style.
As one of the best single edge razors in 2023, the Single Edge Pro can give you a smooth, close shave without any hassle. We recommend the Pro series to gents (or ladies) who like using a single edge blade but want to step up from Supply’s basic model.
Every Supply razor comes with a lifetime warranty. What’s stopping you from getting the closest shave ever?
3. OneBlade Genesis
There are three OneBlade single edge razor models available to beings with opposable thumbs. Yup, that’s right, we lucky humans get to choose from three unique models: Genesis (most expensive), Hybrid (mid-priced), and Core (budget-friendly option).
OneBlade Genesis is their first-place winner, and it’s got the price tag to match. At more than three hundred dollars, it’s an investment piece that will slice off those whiskers for years to come. The blade has a stainless steel design patented for its pivoting head features, which means you’ll have the best blade angle whenever you shave.
With the OneBlade’s pivoting head, you won’t have to keep the blade at a 15° or 30° angle, which means you can shave safely and comfortably. Oh, and did we mention it comes with a lifetime warranty?
4. OneBlade Hybrid
Blending some of OneBlade’s top features at a more affordable price is the OneBlade Hybrid. This reliable option is made from surgical-grade stainless steel at a little over a hundred dollars. The Hybrid has the same razor head as the more expensive model (Genesis) but the handle of the cheaper model (Core).
Hybrid is just that, a hybrid of the best parts of each blade at a price most folks can afford. It’s one of the best single edge razors in 2023 because it offers a close shave and comes with OneBlade’s patented design to make shaving easier.
5. Leaf Twig Single Edge Razor
Leaf offers affordable single edge razors that get the job done. The brand makes two eco-friendly options, Twig or Thorn. The Twig series works best for sensitive skin or lighter hair, and the Thorn model is a better option for folks with thick, coarse hair.
Even though it’s a budget-friendly option, it comes with a Magnetic Load Assist? that makes loading blades more accessible and safer. Leaf Twig Single Edge Razor is an excellent option for folks who want an eco-friendly razor.
6. Parker Adjustable Injector Razor
Customize your next shave with the simple knob on Parker’s Adjustable Injector Razor. While it doesn’t come with many fancy frills or fuss, it offers a comfortable, irritation-free shave. The dial adjusts the safety bar and moves closer or further away from the skin. You can get an uber-close shave at the “one” setting that removes hair easily right next to the skin. Parker’s Adjustable Injector Razor is one of the best single edge razors for anyone who want a simple razor with a customizable shave.
7. Occam’s Single Edge Razor
Get in tough-to-reach areas with the Single Edge Razor from Occam. An easy-loading blade and stainless steel frame make it an excellent choice for those who want a reliable razor that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.
The razor’s simple design makes it aesthetically appealing and incredibly effective at removing hair. It’s a great choice for folks who want an appealing razor with a lifetime warranty.
8. King Cobra Classic
Remove your hair with a classic razor. The Cobra Classic is a single edge razor that will turn your next grooming session into an all-out grooming party. The handle is solid steel, making it a super sturdy option for those of us with butterfingers. Its easy grip and ergonomic shape make it a great choice for anyone looking for a close shave. If you want to spend a little extra on a quality shave, this razor is for you.
9. Leaf Thorn Single Edge Razor
Leaf’s Thorn Single Edge Razor is a heavy-duty version of the Twig. Thorn can handle coarse, thick hair and is known as Leaf’s “more aggressive version.” It’s safe to use anywhere on your body, although they recommend using it cautiously if you’re shaving your head. Thorn Single Edge Razor is an incredibly affordable option for those with thicker hair, making it one of the best single edge razors in 2023.
10. OneBlade Core
Affordable, effective, and just the ticket for folks who want to shave with a single edge razor even if they’re ballin’ on a budget. The razor has a simpler design than the more expensive models from the brand (Hybrid and Genesis), but it still offers a fantastic shave. This wallet-friendly alternative also comes with OneBlade’s patented design that makes pivoting and moving the blade over the skin as easy as 1, 2, 3.
11. Blackland Vector
Are you looking for a fancy addition to your grooming kit? The Vector is a single edge razor with all the science and design you need to get a close, comfy shave. You’ll need a bit of skill to use this razor as you’ll want to hold it at the ideal shaving angle, but the maneuverability and precise shaving make it a killer addition to any shaving kit.
12. High Proof Razor
You can get your hands on the High Proof Razor for a little over a hundred dollars. It’s a durable, single edge razor that helps you pay attention to details and precision as you shave. Folks who use the razor say they love how effective the pivot system is and how easy it is to get a smooth, clean shave.
13. BIC Sensitive Single Blade Razor
BIC’s Sensitive Single Blades are the ultimate travel-friendly option for folks who forgot their razor at home. Make it to the airport and realize your razor isn’t in your Dopp kit? BIC’s razor is the answer to your problem.
While the razors aren’t very environmentally (sorry, Earth, we still love you), they can help you get a quick, in-and-out shave. You will have to be a bit more careful because this low-budget option may cause irritation like nicks, cuts, or razor bumps and burn. It’s the best single edge razor in 2023 for when you’re on the go or forget your razor at home.
The Ultimate Guide to Single Edge Razors
Ready to be a champion shaver? We know you’ll wow everyone at the next family barbecue. Here’s the key information you should know before purchasing a new one and how to get the most from your single edge razor.
How to Choose the Right Single Edge Razor
Get a close shave with the best razor for your skin and hair type. Here are the key features to look for as you browse.
Blade Material (and Coating)
Like with any other product you’re swiping gently next to the skin, the blade material matters. Many blades are made with carbon or stainless steel due to their durability, effectiveness, and ability to remain hygienic.
We recommend using carbon steel or stainless steel blades, as you’ll likely get a closer, safer, and more effective shave. Some blades may also have coatings that reduce irritation or minimize damage to the skin. Popular coating materials include platinum, chromium, tungsten, and PTFE (a type of non-stick Teflon).
Platinum is the best coating for a blade, keeping it shiny, smooth, and sharp. Other coatings like PTFE are great for those with sensitive skin and those who want to reduce friction.
Injector Blades (Or Not)
Some razors come with a cartridge-style mechanism that loads the blades for you. Imagine never having to touch your blade and using a simple blade-loading mechanism to replace your blade (and get rid of the dull one).
Supply The Single Edge SE (or Pro) is the best single edge razor for folks who never want to touch a blade. You simply line the razor head and cartridge next to each other and swap out the blade. It’s a safe way to move the blade without hurting your fingers.
We’ve gotta be honest. It’s true that many affordable double edge razors do a good job of chopping off hair. It’s also true that single-edge razors are known for being a bit pricier than double-edged razors, but you’re getting a closer, better shave with those single-edged options.
A good single edge razor costs between $50 to $150. Think of your razor as an investment piece. The blades are replaceable, and you shouldn’t have to buy a new razor—unless it tickles your fancy. When you decide to make a purchase, we recommend buying a razor that you love and want to use for years to come. This is why we encourage investing in a high-quality single edge razor that effectively slices off the hair.
Top Tips and Tricks for Shaving with a Single Edge Razor
Gather ‘round hair-free friends. We’re spilling the tea and giving you all the tips and tricks to get baby-smooth cheeks (or wherever else you want to be hair-free).
How to Use a Single Edge Razor
Use your single edge razor correctly with this step-by-step guide.
Step 1: Insert the blade. If the current blade is dull, be sure to swap it out for a new one. Be careful when loading the blade because you don’t want it to drag and cause any dullness.
Step 2: Always use a single edge razor at a 10° to 15° angle. This is the best angle because it allows the blade to slice off hair in a downward motion easily. If you’re unsure how to find the angle, there’s an easy way to do it. Place the razor head flat on your cheek and take a few short, light strokes downward. As you move the razor, slowly turn the handle downward until it starts to slice hair easily. This is the ideal angle. Maintain this angle all over the face as you shave!
Step 3: Let the blade do the work. You don't need to apply pressure when shaving with a single edge razor. The razor's own weight and blade should do the work for you. Use gentle, short strokes to effectively remove hair without causing irritation.
Step 4: Prevent irritation (especially for guys with sensitive skin) by shaving with the grain. Also, use your favorite shave cream or soap to reduce friction. This helps prevent unwanted irritation like nicks, cuts, razor bumps, and burns.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it harder to shave with a single edge razor?
No, it’s not harder to shave with a single edge razor. If you’re switching from a double edge razor or a multi-blade with four or five blades, the main difference is the angle you’ll hold the blade. Single edge razors should be held at a 10° to 15° angle, double edge razors at 30°, and cartridge styles razors with multiple blades have a pivot mechanism that makes it easy to move and transition as you shave (but are also typically at 30° to 45°).
How many times can you use a single edge razor?
You can use a safety razor handle as long as the handle materials last. The single edge blades inside the razor typically last between three to eight shaves. How long each single edge blade lasts depends on several factors, including blade material and coating and how thick, coarse, long, or curly your hair is. Longer, thicker hair dulls a blade quicker, and those made with superior materials will last longer.
Are single edge razors better?
Single blade razors are better for sensitive skin and decrease the chance of irritation like razor bumps and ingrown hairs. Using one blade means there is less friction to cause different types of irritation, and it creates less tugging or pulling on the hair.
Five-blade razors or double edge razors are often less expensive, which is why many men choose them. But there are also affordable single edge options because the blades are easily replaceable.
What’s the best single edge razor in 2023?
Supply’s The Single Edge SE is the best single edge razor in 2023. It’s a no-nonsense single blade that slashes through the hair like it’s not even there. It also happens to be the most accessible safety razor for beginners. With its NickStop? Technology, it reduces the risk of nicks and cuts by 75%, and the cherry on top? You can use it anywhere you’d like to shave. Yes, we really mean anywhere. Even those private bits that need an extra delicate hand.