The 15 Best Aldi Bargain Buys, According to Super Fans
It's a pretty great feeling, particularly in these inflationary times, to walk out of the grocery store with a lower-than-expected bill. This is one of the many reasons why shoppers love Aldi.
The store stocks cereals and candies at low prices that rival big-name brands. And unlike warehouse-style grocery stores, Aldi's smaller space allows for a more streamlined, in-and-out shopping experience, preventing the temptation to veer too far off your list.
Once you get the hang of Aldi shopping, it's time to fine-tune your skills. One Redditor was ready to step up their game and asked their fellow shoppers for their best bargains at Aldi.
"What do you find to be the greatest overall value purchase for you at Aldi?" asked u/decorama in the Aldi subreddit. "We know Aldi's prices are good, and some of the house brands are good, but what do you find to be the best value for the money?"
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Others agreed: Aldi is a unicorn in that checkout leaves them with the good kind of sticker shock.
"Aldi is the only store where I check out, and I’m like, “That is a lot more stuff than I expected for the $$$.'" the person said.
What are these savvy Aldi shoppers buying? Reddit shared their favorite Aldi bargain groceries.
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The Best Aldi Bargains, According to Super Fans
1. Casa Mamita Frozen Burritos
The OP shared their definition of an Aldi bargain first.
"I bought a bag of frozen burritos for $3.79," the person said of the 8-pack of Casa Mamita Frozen Burritos. "They aren't great, but they aren't bad either. I eat them for lunch regularly and am satisfied. That I see as a great value."
It's not exactly the winningest of endorsements to start, but another Redditor gave the burritos higher praise—and not just for the low price.
"My son loves those frozen burritos," the commenter dished. "They're a staple in our house."
2. Cheese
Cheese got numerous mentions in the thread, and apparently, even the pros turn to Aldi for a slice of heaven off the old block.
"I have a friend who is a cheesemonger in a cheese shop, and when he buys for himself, he goes to Aldi," wrote a Redditor. "Their cheeses really are incredible quality for the price."
If you're starting out, Reddit recommends trying an aged cheddar at Aldi.
"All their aged cheddars are spectacular," one said. "I'd go to Aldi just for the cheese alone." Specifically, the Emporium Select Aged White Cheddar. "It’s so good — $2.65 for 10 ounces is a great deal," raved one fan. Compare that price tag to the one on a 7-ounce pack of Trader Joe's cult-favorite Unexpected Cheddar ($3.99).
Other loved cheeses include the seasonal Transylvanian Cave-Aged Salt Cheese and the Emporium Selection Stilton Cheeses, which come in flavors like cranberry and apricot.
3. Girl Scout-style cookies
Listen, it's great to support your local Girl Scout troop, but cookie season only lasts from January to April. What's a person to do for the rest of the year? Head to Aldi. That's what.
"The caramel/coconut/chocolate cookies that are [like] the Girl Scout Samoas/caramel delights," divulged a fan of the Benton's Caramel Coconut Fudge Cookies. They really do look like the real-deal Girl Scout cookies and apparently taste the same too.
Prices vary, but you can typically snag an 8.5-ounce box for under $2 at Aldi, compared to the $6 Girl Scouts originals.
"Those…freaking…cookies….are…the bane of my existence," wrote another fan. "We cannot have the Aldi Samoas in our house," admitted another. "The entire package just evaporates in a day."
Related: Here Are Our 13 Favorite Aldi Finds for November
3. Clancy's snacks
Time and again in Aldi stan threads, Clancy's snacks come up as a reason people love the grocery chain. The salty, crunchy chips and pretzels are bursting with flavor, and people swear they taste the same—or better—than name-brand versions.
"Most regular stores sell their name-brand chips for like $5, which is just insane to me," said a poster. Not Aldi, thanks to Clancy's. "The 89-cent tortilla chips is what originally converted me to an Aldi shopper," said one. "They’re not quite that cheap anymore, but [they are] still under $2 last time I checked."
"That Mr. Clancy makes an amazing tortilla chip," agreed another. "I miss the $0.89 days. They were $1.85 when I went last week — annoying but still so much cheaper than Tostitos."
"His veggie straws are better than the name brand," added someone else.
"Clancy's pretzels — $2 for a 16-ounce bag and don't have the weird taste the Great Value ones do," said another honest reviewer.
"The big bag of peanut butter-filled pretzels," said someone else.
"The best thing in Aldi," agreed a fan. (Costco shoppers, if you're still struggling to find the Kirkland version, consider these.)
4. Chocolates
Good chocolate doesn't have to come at a sky-high cost, according to Reddit fans of Aldi's goodies.
"A 7-oz. bar of Choceur Dark Chocolate with Whole Hazelnuts for $1.39," wrote one person. "I love the Moser Roth, too," a Redditor said. "I used to buy them exclusively there and assumed the Choceur was maybe not as good since it was quite a bit cheaper by weight. I tried the one with hazelnuts first and was surprised by how many whole nuts it had and how good the chocolate was."
Life hack: For a true bang-for-your-buck moment, get the Moser Roth Dark 70% Cocoa Bar and "put a little PB on," suggests a Redditor.
Related: People Love Aldi Chocolate Bars—We Ranked Our Top 10
5. Candles
Like Trader Joe's, Aldi is more than a food store, and fans swear by the candles.
"The Huntington Home 3-Wick Candles...are really, really good," said one person. "I just bought a cranberry one yesterday," replied another. "I love the three wicks so much." "The tropical one smells just like a two-wick one I got at Target, but it cost $6 less," added someone else.
6. Salmon
There are plenty of seafood options, but Redditors say Aldi's salmon keeps reeling them in when they're craving the "surf" in "Surf 'n Turf."
"The one item that I think is the best value is the Wild-Caught Salmon," said one person. "It’s delicious and half the price of other stores."
Others agree, especially when it's on sale.
"I scoop that up and throw it in the freezer," said another fan. "Salmon is super easy to dethaw quickly, too."
"The salmon is why I went to Aldi in the first place," concurred another. "A friend that is a manager at a different (fancier) store recommended it. Now, we can afford to eat salmon every week."
Related: 25 Things to Buy at Trader Joe's This November
7. Non-dairy milks
Plant milks are gaining in popularity but can cost more than a pretty penny —around $4+ for a quart in some cases. Fans love the Aldi version, which costs less than $3.
"Aldi's almond milk is excellent, and the price is very reasonable, especially compared to other stores and brands," wrote one person of the Aldi Friendly Farms Almond Milk.
Friendly Farms also makes a loved oat milk.
"For me, it’s the Oat Milk," spilled a shopper. "Everyone else charges like $5+ for it."