These 15 "Figure It Out" Photos Are Guaranteed To Give Your Brain The Workout It Needs
It's time for a brain test — can you figure out these mind-boggling photos from this week's confusing perspective thread on Reddit? Once again, we've picked the best ones from the week and want to know which ones tricked you the most in the comments. Let's go!
1.This person honked several times, thinking this kitten would move out of the way, but nothing moved. Turns out, it wasn't a kitten. See if you can tell what it was:
2.How big do you think this Cookie Monster is? Better yet, what do you think it is?:
It is actually a small cookie jar. What I don't get is how it is worth $110!!!
3.Tell us how wide this hallway actually is:
If you're having trouble, the bottom of the door reflects off the tile on the walls, making a straight line. And, if you're still confused, Reddit user u/WarmBaths explained, "If you zoom in to the end of the hallway, you can see that it just leads to a perpendicular hall, and the black baseboard is being reflected onto the hall's walls to create the illusion."
4.Explain the issue with the tiles on this floor:
The issue is there is a cat.
5.Has this person spotted a real-life dinosaur?:
No, the fingers on the ground should give it away. It is a person very impressively lifting their whole body off the ground by their arms.
6.Is this a snake or a cat or both?:
Just a cat! If you didn't know, cats are liquid.
7.And is this really a jumbo tron?:
Just an old TV! It is on a black table and close to whoever took this pic.
8.Here's a doozey. Can you explain what is going on with the boards on the left?:
The boards on the left actually line up from top to bottom; the shadow from the roof just makes them look like they don't line up.
9.Is this person levitating a mini UFO with their foot?:
The light is actually in the ground. If you look closely, you can see the pole attached to it behind the foot.
10.These aren't roads made of timber. I bet you'll never guess what is happening:
It’s just a reflection of timber in a puddle in the middle of the street...but it does look like squirrel nuts.
11.If you see a giant spider on the carpet, it thankfully isn't one:
It is a pair of glasses!
12.This bike hasn't sunk into the concrete:
You are just seeing it on an elevated step, the bottom half of the tire is covered.
13.This is not a volcanic island:
It is a hole on the wall that needs fixed.
14.Tell us which way this cat is facing:
Its face is toward the camera. Apparently, if you look close enough you can see its face, but I cannot.
15.And, finally, this is not a neverending cat slinky:
Cats, man! Shape-shifting.