The 15 Top Aldi Groceries for Your College-Bound Kid
I am about to step into unfamiliar territory. My oldest son is headed off to college in just a few short weeks. And while I am bursting with pride for all he has accomplished and so excited for this new chapter for him, my mama heart is breaking a little at the same time.
Do you know what else can break when prepping a freshman for college? Your bank account! From all the upfront costs we parents all worry about to the things you might not think of, college is not cheap!
Luckily, when it came time to make my list of food for his dorm room, I knew turning to my favorite grocery store, Aldi, would save me time and money.
Here are this first-time college mom's top 15 Aldi buys to fill the mini fridge and snack drawer like a pro—for less!
Related: 15 Top July Finds at Aldi
Can Kids Cook in Their College Dorm Room?
Before we jump into the groceries, let's back up for a second. Every college is different, and it's essential that you and your student know the rules about appliances before you start building your shopping list.
The university my son is attending allows one mini fridge/freezer combo, microwave and coffee maker per dorm room, so our list has things that can be kept cold or frozen and then zapped in the microwave. Yes, you will also find a couple of toaster items, but that's because his residence hall includes a kitchenette with a toaster (also keep in mind that something like a frozen waffle can be microwaved).
Related: 50 Best Air Fryer Breakfast Recipes
What Are Some Foods To Keep in a Dorm Room?
The first thing I did when I began brainstorming my shopping list was to see what ideas I could find from the wise one, aka Google. Here are some top suggestions for great dorm room foods:
freeze-dried fruit
hot chocolate mix
instant oatmeal
frozen breakfast sandwiches
bottled water
Related: 22 Best TikTok Dorm Room Recipes
Why Are Snacks Important for College Students?
College life is busy! We hope when we send them off on their own they take advantage of that meal plan we paid for and are making great choices when it comes to food options. But let's face it, there are going to be many times they need something quick and on the go.
There are some great reasons for making sure college students have snacks in their dorm rooms readily available:
Gives them a boost of energy
Helps curb the appetite between meals
Helps prevent overeating at the next meal
Provides brain food for studying
Related: 50 Best After-School Snacks For Kids
15 Best Aldi College Dorm Room Foods
Aldi will help you save a buck and stock up on all the foods, snacks and drinks your college kid needs. Here are my favorites!
1. Pur Aqua Bottled Water
Krista Marshall
Hydration is so important. I found something interesting as a new college mom: Most tap water at universities is very hard (meaning it has high mineral content) and not that tasty to drink. Aldi's bottled water is always in our mini fridge, so this will be like a piece of home for my kid.
Cost: $3.29
2. Mama Cozzi's Pizza Snacks
Krista Marshall
One of the things I love about Aldi the most is that its store-brand products taste just as good as their more expensive counterparts. This bag has 90 pizza rolls in it and is under six dollars. My son can stash these in the freezer and pop them in the microwave for late-night studying snack.
Cost: $5.95
3. Southern Grove Trail Mix
Krista Marshall
Trail mix is such a great snack to have on hand for a quick boost of energy without a sugar rush. I love having a couple of flavors to choose from too. The Asian flavor caught my eye because there are wasabi peas in there! This huge bag is great for sharing with his roommate too.
Cost: $5.89
4. Peanut Delight Peanut Butter
Krista Marshall
Peanut butter is a must for any college student because they can do so much with it! They can make a quick sandwich, use it as a dip for celery, thin it out to make a sauce for noodles or even eat it straight from the jar with a spoon! Aldi has creamy and crunchy, so you can get the style your kiddo prefers—or get one of each to make sure you have pals and roommates covered, too.
Cost: $1.79
5. Simms Smoked Snack Sticks
Krista Marshall
Jerky is a great shelf-sustainable snack for a dorm room, but those bags can get pretty pricey. I love this option because the meaty sticks are individually wrapped and ready to throw in his backpack on the way to class.
Cost: $2.95
Related: 31 Best Food Board Ideas
6. Clancy's Movie Theater Butter Microwave Popcorn
Krista Marshall
My son is a microwave popcorn expert, and he will tell you Clancy's tastes just as buttery and delicious as the more expensive brands. Plus, this box comes with twelve bags instead of the five or six bags you typically get. If you have a box in your dorm room you've got a quick snack and you're all set for movie night with your new suite mates.
Cost: $4.69
7. Millville Toaster Tarts
Krista Marshall
Most dorm rooms don't allow toasters, but my son's residence hall has one in the small communal kitchen the students share. But I won't even lie, my kid eats these straight from the package, so it doesn't even matter.
Cost: $1.78
8. Utz Cheese Balls
Krista Marshall
These cheesy snacks are the ultimate study snack (just watch out for cheesy computer keys). I couldn't walk away from a tub this huge for under seven bucks!
Cost: $6.98
9. Millville Instant Oatmeal
Krista Marshall
Oatmeal is one of the heartiest, healthiest breakfast choices out there. I love the variety fruit pack, but my son would grab a box of the Maple and Brown Sugar for sure. It makes a great quick, microwavable breakfast for busy mornings.
Cost: $1.65
10. Clancy's Snack Combo
Krista Marshall
This is one of my favorite things to buy at Aldi's anytime, but it's perfect for college-bound kiddos! The big bag has 18 small bags of assorted chips for more than three dollars less than the name-brand equivalent.
Cost: $7.19
Related: 20 Satisfyingly Delicious Recipes For Homemade Chips
11. Cheese Club Express Mac
Krista Marshall
Who doesn't love a microwavable mac and cheese bowl? They are quick, delicious and perfect for a snack or quick lunch. At $3.59, they cost less than a dollar each!
Cost: $3.59
12. Marachun Ramen Soup Packs
Krista Marshall
No college dorm room food list would be complete without ramen! The packs of noodles have been a staple in the university diet (and a running joke) because they're inexpensive and delicious. They're also very easy to customize. You can add veggies from your dorm fridge, hot sauce or chili crisp, a slice of melty American cheese or even a microwave-poached egg.
Cost: $3.68
13. Breakfast Best Frozen Waffles
Krista Marshall
My son can use the toaster in the communal kitchenette to warms these up, or he can zap them in the microwave. They're a great grab-and-go if he's running late to class.
Cost: $2.19
14. Pur Aqua Belle Vie Sparkling Water
Krista Marshall
We already talked about how important hydration is, and this will give your scholar some options! Aldi offers many delicious flavors, like blackberry, lemon, lime, grapefruit and more and this bubbly water is as refreshing as the more expensive brands.
Cost: $3.45
15. Fusia Asian Inspirations Chicken Egg Rolls
Krista Marshall
These are great to have in the freezer for a midday snack or they would be perfect with those ramen noodles too. Soup and egg rolls? That's a take-out quality meal without picking up the phone!
Cost: $2.95
Related: 42 Chinese Chicken Recipes To Replicate Takeout Favorites
Bonus Buys
As I was wandering the aisles of my local Aldi looking for all of these snack ideas, I came across two non-food items that would be perfect for any college student that I just had to share with all of you.
1. Tide Laundry Detergent
Krista Marshall
I couldn't believe the price on this huge jug of name-brand detergent! We all know college students aren't going to be the best about doing laundry, so the fact it can last for 89 loads might be enough for the entire school year!
Cost: $10.44
2. Huntington Home Area Rugs
Krista Marshall
A nice area rug can make any college dorm room feel more homey. These come in fun colors and designs and are just the right size for a smaller space. Heads up: I found these in my store's "Aldi finds" aisle, so that means they won't be around for long!
Cost: $29.99
My Aldi College-Bound Shopping Spree Total
If you are sending your first, or even your third, child off to college, I hope you find this list helpful. If you weren't adding as you read, let me give you a final total. For everything on this list, I walked out of the store for $105.34, including the area rug! If you just bought the groceries you could be in and out for around $65. You just can't beat that kind of budget when trying to feed a hungry teenager!