16 Artificial Christmas Trees That Are Even Better Than the Real Thing
When it comes time to get a Christmas tree, you're faced with the eternal question: do you go real or artificial? As someone who grew up making a family expedition to a Christmas tree farm every year to *cut down* our own tree, I can tell you that yes, the real deal is pretty great and yes, fresh-cut trees smell delicious. But to be honest, now that I'm on my own and doing the whole adulting thing, I'm Team Artificial all the way. Of course, I annually have to deal with annoying people who insist on spreading the gospel of "OMG fake trees just aren't the same!!" Look, you do you, sis, but I'm gonna be over here happily not vacuuming pine needles every day or worrying that I’m going to accidentally set my apartment on fire.
There are loads of reasons why you might want a fake tree. One of my personal faves is that you can get your faux shrubbery in pretty much any shape, size, or color you want. Always fancied yourself a snow-covered-tree kind of gal? You can make that happen even if you live in L.A. Do you secretly want to take a page from Khloé Kardashian’s book and go for a hot pink Christmas look this year? Let me help you.
Seriously, the trickiest part of looking through this list of artificial Christmas trees is gonna be resisting buying more than one. If two (or three or four) end up in your cart, I'm certainly not going to judge. And if you need help with your tree decorations, I gotchu on that, as well.
KI Store
If you don't want to bother with decorating your fake tree, then this is the one for you. Your living room is about to be as festive as Santa's workshop. By the way, there's a seven-foot tall version, too, if you're into that sorta thing.
Best Choice Products
Feeling girly this year? Lean in. (By the way, gender is a construct, bye!)Treetopia
Sure, you love reminding everyone that you're "really not into drama," but let's be real, a black tree is exactly the kind of spectacle you can get behind. Gothic glam FTW.
S-T-U-N-N-I-N-G. Doesn't hurt that this tree comes pre-lit with 500 warm white LED lights. Who even has time for stringing lights anymore? Certainly not moi!
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The glamour!!!! Okay, sure, tinsel can be a controversial décor choice, but if you're in the (correct) camp of people who think it's fun and just the right amount of tacky, then say hello to your dream tree. It's made of 100% tinsel and 1000000% fun. Sorry tinsel haters, don't @ me.
It doesn't matter if you live in a place where you can rock mini skirts all year round or if you're holed up inside in Antarctica, this tree will bring the winter wonderland energy everyone craves around the holidays.
If you don't want a Melania's-2019-White-House-Christmas-decorations vibe, then maybe steer clear of this style. But that nonsense aside, I'm in favor of a red tree. It is the other official Christmas color, after all.
National Tree Company
Some of us just have to work with whatever tiny free space we got. This tree is only three feet tall and like your favorite '90s boy band member, it comes with frosted tips. It's also decked out with lights and a burlap tree stand, so it'll still look festive even if you don't add any ornaments.
If all you have is the space on your nightstand, you better clear off that collection of water glasses (just me?) and make room for this cute lil guy.
Coming in at just three feet tall and loaded with pink and silver baubles, you'll be giving a big ol' ~thank u, next~ to traditional Christmas trees for a very good reason: this baby pink number is super freaking cute.
National Tree Company
This is the super model of Christmas trees: tall, slim, willing to take fashion risks. If you're looking for a tree that will make a statement but won't take up a ton of floor space, this is your best bet.
Purple is the color of royalty and for that reason alone, you need this tree. One can never pass up an opportunity to remind friends and family that they really are a queen.
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This tree is so quintessentially Christmas that I wouldn't even want to add anything to it. Well...except a gold star on top. Can't help myself.
I'm dreaming of a whiiiiiiiiite Christmas tree. Someone pass me a mug of hot cocoa, I'm suddenly in the mood to listen to Nat King Cole and pretend I live in the North Pole.
Like good plastic surgery, the best artificial Christmas trees are the ones that don't look fake at all. So may I recommend this gorge tree bedecked with pine cones and berries? Au naturel, oui oui.
National Tree Company
If you want your Christmas tree to be a winner, all you gotta do is go for gold. She's a little one too, so you can stand her up just about anywhere.
16 Artificial Christmas Trees That Are Even Better Than the Real Thing
When it comes time to get a Christmas tree, you're faced with the eternal question: do you go real or artificial? As someone who grew up making a family expedition to a Christmas tree farm every year to *cut down* our own tree, I can tell you that yes, the real deal is pretty great and yes, fresh-cut trees smell delicious. But to be honest, now that I'm on my own and doing the whole adulting thing, I'm Team Artificial all the way. Of course, I annually have to deal with annoying people who insist on spreading the gospel of "OMG fake trees just aren't the same!!" Look, you do you, sis, but I'm gonna be over here happily not vacuuming pine needles every day or worrying that I’m going to accidentally set my apartment on fire.
There are loads of reasons why you might want a fake tree. One of my personal faves is that you can get your faux shrubbery in pretty much any shape, size, or color you want. Always fancied yourself a snow-covered-tree kind of gal? You can make that happen even if you live in L.A. Do you secretly want to take a page from Khloé Kardashian’s book and go for a hot pink Christmas look this year? Let me help you.
Seriously, the trickiest part of looking through this list of artificial Christmas trees is gonna be resisting buying more than one. If two (or three or four) end up in your cart, I'm certainly not going to judge. And if you need help with your tree decorations, I gotchu on that, as well.
Life in plastic, it's fantastic.
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