16 hypoallergenic dog breeds that should help with the sniffles
3. Bichon Frise
Having originated in the Mediterranean, Bichon Frise is French for 'curly-haired lapdog' and is famous for its fluffy white coat. While it doesn’t shed that often, you will still need to brush and groom this breed.
As its name suggests, the Bichon Frise makes for a wonderful lapdog and companion. These cheerful pups have bags of personality. The toy dog is small in size, so can be kept in an apartment if that's where you dwell, but don’t leave it alone for too long, as this is one breed that will always crave your attention.
1. Afghan Hound
You may be surprised to find that the Afghan Hound is classed as a ‘hypoallergenic’ dog. This breed is instantly recognizable thanks to its long, shiny, flowing locks, but despite their thick coat, they actually don't shed as much as you might expect, thus making them a great choice for allergy sufferers. They will, however, need regular grooming in order to maintain that regal look.
Originally bred as a hunting companion in the mountains of Afghanistan, its hair actually serves to protect it from the cold climate. It’s a big, agile dog measuring 25-28 inches at shoulder height, and it’s fast, so it will obviously need regular exercise. While they’re very independent, this is a loving, loyal, and beautifully coiffed pet who will make you feel loved.
2. Basenji
The Basenji is a small to medium-sized dog breed that originated in central Africa. Basenjis are hypoallergenic dogs with short coats that are also fastidious cleaners, so don't expect them to have a typical dog smell. They won't need to be groomed often, either. Basenjis are considered "barkless" dogs because they actually make sounds closer to a yodel. They are smart and independent dogs but can be very protective of their families.
4. Chinese Crested
There are two varieties of this unique-looking breed: hairless (with tufts of hair on its head, tail, and feet), and the powderpuff (coming with a thick, silky double coat). Both serve as good choices for allergy-sufferers, as dander and shedding is minimal.
Despite their name, the elegant Chinese Crested doesn't hail from China. In fact, it’s a descendant of the African hunting dog. The small breed measures between 11 and 13 inches tall, making it the perfect companion and lap dog. They love to lie in bed all day, but can also be playful, and once it warms to you, it will prove to be a devoted pet.
5. Coton de Tulear
You may not have heard of the Coton de Tulear, but it may nonetheless look familiar, as this sweet and cuddly breed is related to both the Maltese and Bichon Frise. Similarly, it is a great choice for a ‘hypoallergenic’ dog as, while its coat will grow long if it is not clipped, it only sheds occasionally, so you can put your mind at rest.
The Coton de Tulear gets its name from its fluffy, cotton-white coat, as well as its place of origin – a city in Madagascar. This playful dog breed gets on with everyone, including kids and other dogs, and will be more than happy to follow you around all day. Just be sure you keep him groomed and don’t leave him alone for too long.
6. Giant Schnauzer
One of the largest ‘hypoallergenic’ breeds about, the Giant Schnauzer’s wiry coat is low in dander, and doesn’t shed as much as other breeds. If you’re active and want a big dog – it stands at 27.5 inches at shoulder height – this pooch is not only full of energy, it is an intelligent and loyal companion.
Originally bred as a working dog in Germany and used to drive cattle, they are natural watchdogs and easy to train, but they’re also playful and affectionate.
7. Irish Water Spaniel
If you’re after a big dog, the Irish Water Spaniel is the tallest of the Spaniels, and is also a low shedding breed, making it appealing in this context. Its distinctive, liver-coloured curly double coat does, however, need to be brushed and trimmed regularly.
This sporting dog was originally bred to be a hunting dog, so they are strong, active, and love the water. Known as the clowns of the Spaniel family, while they take time to warm to strangers, these dogs are lots of fun nonetheless.
8. Maltese
Named for its country of origin, Malta, the Maltese is one of the oldest and smallest dog breeds, and is thought to have been a lapdog for the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians. It's seen a lot of history.
Small, but lively, this all-white breed adores its humans, and will shower you with affection. They make great family dogs, as they’re both playful and gentle. And the great news is that they don’t shed or drool very much, so as long as you make sure to brush them two to three times a week, you can return their cuddles.
9. Miniature Schnauzer
The Miniature Schnauzer is the smallest of the schnauzers, but they have big personalities to make up for it. They are energetic and playful dogs that are very outgoing and love to protect their families. Miniature Schnauzers have double coats that shed very little, so they're great for allergy sufferers.
10. Poodle
It may be the national dog of France, but believe it or not, the Poodle actually comes from Germany. The breed was called ‘Pudel’, meaning puddle because of its swimming ability as a hunting dog used to retrieve birds from the water. Their famous haircuts served a purpose too! Owners groomed their dogs so that the fur would not weigh them down in the water, but their vital organs would be kept warm.
They may have hair that doesn’t stop growing, but Poodles hardly shed or drool, which is why they are considered ‘hypoallergenic.’ As well as their unique updos, Poodles are smart, loyal, and love to play.
11. Portuguese Water Dog
The Portuguese Water Dog was once used by Portuguese fishermen to herd fish into nets. In addition to this, they were also used to retrieve waterfowl from the hunt, thus making them both easy to train, and fun-loving, active dogs that love the water.
The breed has two types of coat: long and wavy, and short with tight curls. Both types are single-coated, so they hardly shed at all. If you want a breed that’s friendly, playful, and an ideal family dog that’s less likely to set off an allergy, then this is the breed for you.
12. Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
This Irish farm dog is both laidback and fun; and doesn't discriminate; they love everyone they meet. They not only make great family dogs, but they are a suitable breed for first-time owners and people in apartments. Just make sure they get at least a moderate amount of exercise so that their needs are met.
This medium-sized dog is not a big drooler or shedder, but its gently waved or curly hair will need lots of grooming. The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is intelligent and independent, but also loyal and affectionate.
13. Kerry Blue Terrier
As you will probably have gathered from their name, the Kerry Blue Terrier originates from Ireland, where it was bred to hunt down ‘pests’ such as rats, hares and foxes. Afterwards, it evolved into a general dogsbody role, with herding sheep being one of its more common tasks.
The Kerry Blue Terrier doesn’t shed, which works in its favor when it comes to hypoallergenic dog breeds. It still needs regular brushing and bathing in order to keep its coat from getting matted, but really that’s a small price to pay for what is a dedicated and loyal dog breed.
15. Xoloitzcuintle
Otherwise known as a Mexican hairless dog (quite understandably), the Xoloitzcuintle has been around a long time – indeed, they are regarded as sacred in Mexican culture. While they’re not one of the more common breeds, they stand out due to their loyalty, intelligence, and independent nature.
Generally hairless, they are an ideal hypoallergenic dog choice for obvious reasons. Even the ones that do have some hair only shed minimally, so should you find yourself lucky enough to be the owner of one, they are one of the more ideal hypoallergenic dog breeds out there.
16. Affenpinscher
The Affenpinscher is an adorable, funny-looking dog breed that is also hypoallergenic. The Affenpinscher does not shed a lot, and does not have a lot of dander either thanks to its wiry fur. Affenpinschers are loyal and curious and will always have you laughing - they're called ape terriers for a reason, and you may think they look like an Ewok on all fours. You decide.
By Zara Gaspar
Worried about allergies? Here are 16 hypoallergenic dog breeds that are less likely to have you reaching for the tissues