17 Dating App Screenshots That’ll Give You So Much Secondhand Embarrassment, You Might Move Into A Cave
2 min read
Blissfully, I've never had to venture into the uber-intimidating world of online dating myself.
Bravo / Via giphy.com
I do, however, have a lot of single friends that let me sneak peeks at the fresh hell that seems to be online dating.
Apple Music / Via giphy.com
Don't get me wrong, I know there are success stories. Let's just say you've got to kiss a lot of amphibians to get to some royalty or however the saying goes.
FOX / Via giphy.com
If you need any further proof that it is rough out there, look no further.
Aaron Spelling Productions / Via giphy.com
1.Kyle found a way to make the holiday season the cringiest time of the year.
2.This guy decided to share some horrifying world views, NBD.
3.Oh joy, a tough guy.
4. And of course, the tough guy's foil, the (never actually) nice guy.
5.Some people prove they've never taken a hint once.
6.This story had potential until it really didn't.
7.You have to wonder if these vErY qUiRkY profiles are actually working on someone out there...
8.Someone out there can math out the odds on this one, but it's not me.
9.Then there's a lot of straight-up WTF level moves.
10.It's like these people challenge themselves to find new ways to be the rudest possible person alive.
11.You just know there's no way they're this bold out in the wild.
12.And there always seems to be someone with a very niche icebreaker.
13.Some people are also out here using dating websites hoping for free therapy?
14. And then there are the people who say they are too good for dating apps while *checks notes* talking to people on dating apps.
15.And if you think guys are the only jerks, think again.
16. Some people are a little too anonymous, and it defeats the purpose.
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