17 Ridiculous Screenshots From Real Job Applications That Make Applicants Jump Through Literal Hoops To Be Considered
2 min read
These days, applying for a job is just as much work as the job itself. It takes forever to list every detail of your work history (that can be easily viewed on a résumé), and no one likes drudging through a 100-question assessment, but these are unavoidable parts of the dreaded job application process.
Mapodile / Getty Images
The mental hoops you have to jump through to apply makes the whole thing feel less like a job application and more like the SATs...and I forgot to study. Here are 17 screenshots from r/antiwork and r/recruitinghell of employers who put their applicants through trials and tribulations for a simple application:
1."They died doing what they loved. Working at Wendy's."
u/coffeeshopboi / Via reddit.com
u/Kind-Ranger / Via reddit.com
3.The only logical excuse I can think of for this question to be on an application is if the job is "Bible salesman."
u/Justtrying3 / Via reddit.com
4.This would 100% just be my friends pretending to be old bosses.
u/agomezwes28 / Via reddit.com
5.What kind of cruel riddle is this?
u/Deondebomon / Via reddit.com
6.The next step of this job application was to have an existential crisis.
u/boopboopadoopity / Via reddit.com
7.If it's not an existential crisis question, it's an ethical one.
u/Squidbit / Via reddit.com
8.The two things any employer must know before hiring you: your résumé and what's for dinner.
u/moderatenerd / Via reddit.com
9.Ah yes, the three genders: ???♂????♀???.
u/JuniperSky2 / Via reddit.com
10.Over two hours of interviews and a homework assignment.
u/deleted / Via reddit.com
11.Technically, this one isn't from an actual job application...but it's so painfully accurate that it might as well be.
u/meangyaru / Via reddit.com
u/theverybigapple / Via reddit.com
13.I would genuinely need all remaining 6 minutes and 10 seconds to figure this out.
u/Daggertrout / Via reddit.com
u/eals95 / Via reddit.com
15.I'm out of breath reading this.
u/AragornsMittens / Via reddit.com
16.You will NOT be considered for this position unless we can be friends on FarmVille.
u/vjenkinsgo / Via reddit.com
17.And finally, the weirdest question ever asked on a job application.
u/CauliflowerTypical27 / Via reddit.com